The holidays have been and will continue to be hectic. Grab your headphones, relax with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this podcast interview on The Author’s Creative Journey!
I had such a fun time being interviewed by Patricia Rose Upczak, the owner of Synchronicity Publishing!
Don’t miss the Psychic Reading Special at the end of this post!
In this podcast I focus on the creativity of writing a book and how my books 12 Weeks to Self-Healing: Transforming Pain through Energy Medicine and Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul came about. I’ll also share with you about intuition and some ways to develop yours, including Soul Stems!
Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul is a great gift for those who are awakening spiritually! It is available in most countries through Amazon.
Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul guides you in activating your intuition through a journal process called “Soul Stems.”
In this process you will create a deeper relationship with yourself and no longer be reaching outside yourself for something that you can only find within.
For more than 30 years Candess M. Campbell, PhD has been journaling and guiding others in the writing process. She has been teaching intuition for over 20 years and assisting others to gain their own inner wisdom to make right choices the first time and live a life of abundance, happiness and joy.
With Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul you will:
* Activate your intuitive ability and read your energy field
* Learn a powerful journaling tool to guide your daily decisions
* Access your chakra information to clear and balance
* Explore and understand your life purpose
* Explore your beliefs and values to shape your life
* Use your own power to heal your body, mind, and emotions
* Purposefully create your future
* Learn to facilitate your own Living Intuitively group!
Candess M. Campbell, PhD is available to guide your group through this intuitive writing process and included in Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul is a guide for you to create your own Intuitive Journal Writing group. You can contact her online for individual intuitive readings.
In the next week I will be sending out a holiday special for Psychic Readings with Candess!
Great gift for loved ones!
Be sure to sign up to receive the Special!
It was so interesting to hear about your book, 12 weeks to self-healing, Candess. Amazing how you had such wonderful help from your guide for the book proposal.
It is amazing Tamuria that I would never had thought of that if I had not heard Doreen Virtue tell us to connect with a guide when we write our books. Now I tell my students and clients to do this and it works!
I love journaling. It has helped through some tough times and guided me into many successes. I recommend it to all of my clients too. It’s the way into your soul and all that you need to know.
Happy to connect with another Journaler!
Journal the Wisdom of Your Soul sounds great! This is one I’ll love reading.
Susan it is best to do with friends. I have it set up so you can gather with a few friends and practice a 10 minute writing on a Soul Stem and then share in the group. It’s transformational!
Congratulations on writing your book and getting it out there Candess. This is something a lot of people aspire to (myself included) and never get around to it. Really interesting to hear your voice on the podcast.
Thank you Clive. A book today is like a calling card. Looking for yours to emerge!
You have a lot of events and a book now as well, congrats! I love hearing about interesting and unique gift ideas!
I love your articles they are so uplifting and I love to hear about your gift giving. This is a great topic that I am interested in. Great post
Lori English
Thank you Lori! Delighted that you are also in the process of using your Intuition!
Writing a book in on my list of to-dos in 2017. Congratulations on your latest book and all that it will bring! Journaling and exploring my intuition are two things that I’d like to do one day. But my task list is growing, so I must put these things on the back burner for now.
Congrats! Sounds like a great book. I’m a big believer in following your intuition, as it the sum of your experiences condensed down to an easy-to-access form.
Fantastic to hear about your book, Candess! Congratulations! That is something I would love to do
Have done a few ebooks but it is not the same….I bet your podcast was a lot of fun too!
I love having books Joan. Looking forward to yours! Books these days are like cards were in the past.
Congratulations on completing your book. Sounds like a fascinating read. I have never been one who journals, but your thoughts have caused me to ponder.
Robin, I have journaled since I can remember. I think we get similar results from meditation.
I am also a strong believer in listening to and following our intuition, Candess. I actually wrote my book in 3 1/2 days at a writing retreat whose facilitator used an intuitive process to get out of our left brain and let the words flow onto the page. And I wrote 30,000 words on large scrapbook size pads, writing long-hand too. Your new book Journal the Wisdom of Your Soul, sounds like a wonderful way for people to tap into their own inner voice of intuition to help guide them in their lives! All the best…
I loved writing this book. It came from some groups where I taught others to access their intuition. It must have been fun to be in a writing group and write your book in 3 1/2 days! I have a book I haven’t published yet that I wrote on the plane from Spokane to Osaka. I rewrote some of it later. Hmm . . . maybe its time!
The journaling process appeals to me. At different times during my life I have journaled and found great insights. Since I just received a journal as a birthday gift.. it must be my sign to start again
Journaling can be so powerful yet I go in streaks as to how much I journal. I think it is depending on what I need. I journal when my soul needs it.
Congratulations on the book, Candess! It sounds like a wonderful read!
I love to journal and it is one of my morning rituals. Helps to bring order and clarity.
Candess, congratulations on your book! As a fellow author, I understand how important a book is nowadays. I love journaling and I believe journaling helps us connect with Source and stay grounded. Love this ritual!
Thanks Tandy. Feel free to add a link to your book here too!
Somehow, I’ve never taken to journaling but found mind mapping is more expressive for me. I love words, love to read, and love to write. The intuitive just happens to get turned on and flows when I mind map. Looking forward to learning more about your process.
Yes Joyce, mind mapping is great too, as is meditation. We are naturally intuitive and there are several ways to awaken ourselves and begin to listen again.
I journaled when I was younger. I was living abroad at the time, and it was a great way for me to collect my thoughts and organize my journeys – both the metaphorical as well as the literal ones. It’s been nice to revisit them from time to time. Congratulations on the book!
This self-healing seems like a promising book. People tend to look outward for a way to heal. The lesser know fact is that one just needs to look within to heal one’s self.
Congrats to your book.
It is indeed important to find your happiness within yourself.