Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller
My word for this year is Relationships. Next year I am focusing on Collaboration. My thoughts are wandering that way already and this addresses both Relationship and Collaboration.
What are the 3 most important aspects of a Collaborative Partner for you?
I had a previous experience that taught me this.
Choose a partner that is organized enough that they not only show up for appointments on time, but are able to have timely emails back and forth that are clear and succinct. My previous partner would go back and forth 5 or 6 times when the issue could have been resolved in one email.
Honesty is a must. The partner needs to be emotionally and mentally able to comprehend so they are able to be honest, with their self and with you. This is not always the case. Sometimes people respond to the “stories in their head” and are not able to hear what you are saying. This can be timely and cumbersome.
Willing to commit to a contract. When you have business collaboration, a contract is important. Conversations you have prior to the contract may not be your final agreement. You need to have it in writing. If there are issues that come up after the contract, then amend or have an addendum to the contract. In my previous dealings, my business partner said I had offered something that was not in the contract. I disagreed. I had insisted on the contract and in my next dealings will be more clear that nothing is binding that is not in the contract.
I look forward to continuing to collaborate with my dear friend, Katie Cavanaugh.
Her wisdom and business coaching has been immense in my life!
Candess M. Campbell, Intuitive Success Mentor
Katie Cavanaugh, Intrepid Success Coach
Unleashed Live!
Give me your feedback on what you find to be important and your experiences!
Having good relationship with our environment give us happy and peace. At least that’s how I feel. And to build real relationship, it takes time and genuine efforts in giving without asking for anything in return.
It is true that a Business relationship is bound by written contract. At the same time, in my opinion, we can always give more value than ask for or stated.
Thanks for sharing the relationship nuggets, Candess. Useful article