In continuing with the Lords of Karma and Connecting with your Guides, with Mother’s Day ahead, let’s focus on Mother Mary and another way of connecting with your guides. When you want to connect with Mary, you can grab your journal and write her a letter. Sit quietly and think about how you may engage with her in your life and then begin. Tell her what is happening in your life at this time and involve her in your journey. Ask questions, for support or tell her how powerfully she has impacted your life. I often ask Mother Mary to intercede when I am aware of a situation that is difficult and where someone needs help.
The Ascended Masters Lords of Karma are a group of spiritually enlightened beings, once mere mortals, who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes (state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe), balanced at least 51% of negative Karma and fulfilled their Dharma or divine plan. An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Divine Love to all life, and through Ascension (spiritual enlightenment) has united with his or her own “God-Self”, the I AM Presence. They serve as teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit and stand ready to assist them in their Ascension.
What you see through raised consciousness is the image of The Master Lady Mary, Mother of Jesus. Serving as the Motherly Source of Life on Earth, she bestows the energies of intuitive wisdom upon those females who aspire to leadership within the community and in world affairs and gives them courage to establish themselves securely in society.
One will find that The Master Lady Mary’s presence is with every pregnancy and birthing, regardless of circumstances. All Mother’s-to-be and mothers everywhere come under Her comforting and understanding ray of blessedness, no matter what their religious beliefs may be.
It is Mary who is also willing to help Humankind, as a whole, make a stronger connectedness with Nature’s elementals, stimulating the possibility of future co-existence, which could greatly benefit all life on Earth. With Motherly Love She cradles the Spirit of the Child-self within you.
Motherhood has its delights and challenges. Embrace Mother Mary and allow her to be a salve on your many scratches, bumps and mis-steps during this sacred process of launching a child into the world!
Need a break? Enjoy this short Relaxation session. Allow yourself to receive!
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Powerful reminders, thank you Candess. I feel their protection and guidance constantly. Also, thank you for this relaxation session~much needed
Delight that you have a connection with your guides. Enjoy the relaxation audio Cathy.
At this time we seem to be caught up in a lot of male energy power struggles. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of the divine feminine energy and the need to return to a balance in both our public and private lives.
Such a comforting thought that Mary works towards making a stronger connectedness with nature’s elementals. I really love the idea of her cradling the spirit of the child self within.
I so love the focus on the feminine divine. And Mother Mary is so helpful not just with physical birth, but with any idea we are trying to birth.
Thank you for this–I love it!
I love this: “All Mother’s-to-be and mothers everywhere come under Her comforting and understanding ray of blessedness, no matter what their religious beliefs may be.” Amazing and beautiful.
I also loved hearing that Mary works towards making a stronger connectedness with nature’s elementals. This truly resonates with me and gave me a different perspective about her grace. So often I would hear “Mother Mary” and somehow ‘hear’ that in a religious context. Your post shifted that misperception and offered a new understanding of the Mother Mary energy as the female energy. The energy of all mothers and for me that now includes Mother Nature! Thanks, Candess.
Love this: “One will find that The Master Lady Mary’s presence is with every pregnancy and birthing, regardless of circumstances. All Mother’s-to-be and mothers everywhere come under Her comforting and understanding ray of blessedness, no matter what their religious beliefs may be.” As an expectant grandma, this is comforting.
This is such wonderful information “What you see through raised consciousness is the image of The Master Lady Mary, Mother of Jesus. Serving as the Motherly Source of Life on Earth, she bestows the energies of intuitive wisdom upon those females who aspire to leadership within the community and in world affairs and gives them courage to establish themselves securely in society.” ….and wanting now to share this message in a program I’m offering for our upcoming feminine leaders in the world.
Thank you so much. I listened to the audio too and thoroughly appreciated the relaxation exercise
Teresa I am happy you connected with Master Lady (Mother) Mary and will be sharing with the feminine leaders in your program!
Mary is a powerful icon and guide. Her comfort and wisdom can inspire each and every woman
All interesting info about the master Lady Mary and her connection to leadership. Learn a lot of new stuff here.
And suddenly, I’m singing Let it Be. “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me. Singing words of wisdom, let it be…” Indeed.
Isn’t that a beautiful song! It is like a prayer when we sing it!