This morning as I was walking Angelo along the river I was listening to Caroline Myss’s Energy Anatomy Audio on my iPhone. She is one of my favorite teachers and I love her work.
As I manage my CFS, in addition to balancing my life, I am also journaling and understanding how I created this illness and how to heal and return to a life of health. I’ll share more about this after I share Caroline’s perspective.
Now from Caroline Myss –
Where does Chronic Fatigue Syndrome come from? Chronic Fatigue is an immune disorder. Your immune system is connected to your First chakra primary, so when you think of an immune disorder I want you to go into your first chakra and think your first chakra connects you to how safe you feel in the physical world, how able you are to protect yourself.
Your first chakra is like your mote around a castle. If you feel safe, if you feel able to handle yourself in a physical situation, your immune system is going to be fairly functional. What weakens your immune system is some version of a first chakra disorder. Either you’re going to feel very vulnerable socially, very vulnerable being able to take care of yourself economically, vulnerable within your family or you will be within another tribe, your work tribe.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Often the profile of someone who gets chronic fatigue syndrome is someone who wants to be all things to all people. – Caroline Myss” quote=”Often the profile of someone who gets chronic fatigue syndrome is someone who wants to be all things to all people. – Caroline Myss”]
So what happens is they think they can do everything. They think they can be everywhere and they have this image that they are not allowed to rest or run out of energy and what’s really happening is that so much of their energy is going out of their circuits that they are connecting to more people and more projects that they can be energetically connected to.
And so their immune system begins to weaken, because they simply haven’t gotten enough energy to run their biology. They are financing people with their energy more than they can, or projects. They are too many places simultaneously.
If you imagine that every person or every thing you are connected to energetically represents a place where you are simultaneously and one day you said, where am I today and you followed your thoughts. You thought part of me is wishing I was on the east coast, part of me is back in London, part of me is with my boyfriend, part of me is there, part of me is there. Part of me is in my childhood processing how come I didn’t get enough brownies, part of me is wondering have come I don’t have thick gorgeous hair. Part of me is here and part of me is there.
As humorous as this might sound, I’m telling you, you recognize that you are in as many places as your emotional energy takes you. Do you understand what I am saying? You are financing all of these places.
Remember what the truth of the Seventh Chakra is Be Here Now.
Live in the present moment.
The way Caroline explains your energy system is amazing.
When you find that you are “financing” too many people and projects you’re your energy necessary to run your own energetic system, I hope this will remind you to receive, rest and give yourself permission to just BE!
If you want to join me in exploring health related to the chakras, I have Soul Stems relating to each chakra and a health section in my book Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul.
You can find the Soul Stem process to be helpful. Here are some Soul Stems to start with that are related to your health and the First Chakra.
This year I will improve my health by . . .
I get frustrated with myself when I continue to . . .
My health is so much better since I . . .
I have always been afraid of getting . . .
I take better care of my health when I am with . . .
If you get the book, be sure to join the Live Intuitively Souls FaceBook Group!
Perfect timing! So far, I have no immune system disorders (knock on wood), but I am definitely all about strengthening my health. Love the Soul Stems. Thanks so much for this. I appreciate it (and you!).
Jackie, happy you enjoy Soul Stems. They can be enlightening!
I believe that illness shows up depending on what is going on within. This is what I got from a book called Permanent Healing. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A need for direction in the mind and in the life.
Solution: Think about what you have always wanted to do with your life. Do it and be it.
I found this very interesting Candess. I have Graves disease and I find myself on occasion with zero energy (something that is rare for me.) I will need to take a deeper look at what you shared here and become more observant. Thanks.
Good luck with the healing of Grave’s disease. I love Myss’s CDs Energy Anatomy. I listen over and over and learn something each time!
I love this, Candess. I was diagnosed with a Primary Immune Deficiency disorder 23 years ago. I really appreciate your sharing Caroline’s perspective on energy systems. What a different reframe for me! We are financing all of the places we go in our heads – DUH. OF COURSE!!!!
I recently read the book, Hiring the Heavens, and I’m in the process now of creating my spiritual committees to help with all things in my life… it’s a different way of thinking about asking for help.
I appreciate the prompts you shared here and the beautiful reminder of how our chakras work for us and with us and how we need to be PRESENT all the time. Stop financing all these other places we have no control over!
Tandy creating spiritual committees to help sounds fantastic. When I was writing my dissertation which became my first book I asked for a guide and Edgar Cayce showed up to help. I swear he wrote much of it! I’d sit at my computer and hours later it was as if I channeled!
Here’s to the truth of the seventh chakra – Be Here Now. There are so many reasons we need to remember this – health, including mental health and happiness, as well as our ability to function better when we focus on just one thing.
I love that too! When I walk among the trees and along the river, that is what I sense more than anything!