You may wonder about DNA Activation and what it is and what happens when you get your DNA activated. I liken it to a spiritual immune builder. We have 2 strands of DNA in our physical body. The etheric strands of DNA continue to change and more and more are becoming ready for activation. At this time the Lords of Karma are activating to 144,000 strands. I originally activated to 12 strands of DNA, but one day when I was in my office with a client, we simultaneously felt some energy coming down from the top of our heads. We looked at each other and said together, “We just got activated to 144 strands of DNA!” I was surprised and later called Diane Stein, whom I had been working with after connecting with the Lords of Karma. She checked in with her guides and said yes, that is correct. More recently they advised me it is 144,000 strands.
Now, I tend to be grounded, have my feet on the ground, have a degree in Counseling Psychology from Gonzaga University and a doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy from American Pacific University, but I cannot help it – when something spiritual happens, it happens and I follow my path and my guidance. Although many people will not believe something until it is proven with science, I am a big believer of personal experience as well. In fact, science, which I love is finally catching up with what we have known intuitively for many years. I find I am usually many years ahead, and hope that the understanding of the etheric field and DNA strands becoming activated will be mainstream information in the next few years.
At this time, it is important for me to assist others in becoming activated. Since my work with the Lords of Karma, DNA Activation and the Essential Energy Balancing workshops I have facilitated, my life has been incredible. I am able to manifest easily and it is much easier to move from negativity or fear into peace, love and forgiveness.
The DNA Activation and Essential Energy Balancing Workshops are not magic, but they do clear the karma and bring more Light into your body so that you can do the daily work of changing behaviors, practicing love and kindness, and finding joy and peace.
Who are the Lords of Karma?
The Lords of Karma are multiple groups of enlightened dis-incarnate beings. A karmic group of nine to eleven Ascended Masters work with each soul group of embodied beings on earth. They include: El Morya, St. Germaine, Athena, Kwan Yin, Ashtar, Isis, Mary, Cyclopea, Balthor, Kuthumi, and Sananda. They come from a variety of places and one or more may make themselves known to you. You may have been working with them previously and through the activation begin to recognize them more clearly.
How long have you been activating DNA?
I originally learned to activate DNA to 12 strands in 1998 from a school called Possibilities. In 2002, I began working with a group of Ascended Masters called the Lords of Karma. They activate to the full complement of the DNA which at this writing is 144,000 strands.
How do I know who is the best person to activate my DNA?
First, I encourage you to use your intuition to make this decision. It is important that the person who is activating your DNA be visible on their website. Anyone can make a website that contains information on DNA Activation. Be sure the person who is activating your DNA is available to you.
How common is activation to 144,000 strands?
Some people at this time are activating to 12 and 22 strands and others way beyond 144,000. My understanding of DNA is that it not only carries the code of what we look like and how our body develops, it also carries the process of all our chakras, energy bodies, and levels as well. It carries the programming for our life and our karma. Reprogramming and Reconnecting the DNA assists us in releasing issues and healing on all levels. See The Ascension Process (EEB 1) to reprogram all of your energy bodies and to remove Karma for soul development. According to Essential Energy Balancing, most of the instructions for our spiritual evolution are excluded from the two-strand DNA we currently carry.
Our life on Earth originally began with 12 strands of DNA, but they were disconnected by interplanetary war long ago. The Lords of Karma are currently activating to the full complement of the DNA which at this time is 144,000 strands. After this activation, when humans have access to more strands of DNA, your strands will automatically activate to the new level of strands. This is a one time process. Because our full complement of DNA has been disconnected (not destroyed) it can be reconnected, clearing the way for major healing on all levels and for the vital expansion of our abilities. With your full complement of DNA, your psychic abilities may increase significantly. Reconnection also makes possible the clearing of the more than fifty percent or more of karma necessary for ascension and also the energy changes that take place with ascension.
Some people are activating more than 144,000 strands. Is this better?
The activation for humans is now at 144,000 strands of DNA. Human virtual DNA is at 144,000 strands at this time and this is the right activation for the human species. When there are more strands available, once you have been activated by the Lords of Karma, your strands will automatically activate. This is a one-time process. We are Light Workers and we are moving into a Higher Vibration with the planet Earth. There are also beings who are calling themselves Ascended Masters that are not true. The group of Ascended Masters, the Lords of Karma I have been working with have been with me at least since 1991. I believe they have been with me prior to this incarnation. I trust them and the processes they facilitate in the DNA Activation and Essential Energy Balancing I, II, and III. Use your intuition when you decide to choose activation.
How many people in the world have had their DNA Activated?
I have no way of knowing how many people are activated. I have assisted in the Activation of hundreds of people worldwide. My commitment to Spirit is to Activate DNA to allow for increase in vibration for the planet.
Are there ways other than with the Lords of Activating DNA?
Several people are activating DNA. I am not familiar with them, but I believe there are many paths to the Divine and to healing.
Do I have to get activated more than once?
When receiving an activation with the Lords of Karma, you only need to be activated one time. Once you are activated the activation will continue to increase to the level that DNA has increased for people on the planet. At this time the Divine Director and Lords of Karma are activating to 144,000 strands. This one time activation is all you need. Other people who activate may have you activate more than once.
What if a person has not had 12 strand or 24 strand DNA Activation. Can I still get 144,000 strands activated?
You can go directly from 2 strands to 144,000 strands. Many people I activate are already more than 2 strands. They have automatically been activated to 12 strands from their meditation experiences and other people they are around.
Why can’t I get any experience of my guides and why didn’t I feel anything when we did the DNA Activation?
I can’t say for sure why some people feel more than others during these processes. The general reason I speculate is that those who meditate more often experience more. The reason for this is that meditation helps us to “get out of the way” and not think so much. When I do readings, the more I concentrate, the less I see and the more I can go into trance, the more I see. I also notice that when people try too hard or think too much, the ego gets in the way of receiving information. Also, people who have had many lifetimes as readers or healers also get information naturally, so please be generous with yourself and allow yourself to have your own experience. You may want to my video on kinesiology. This is a way that many people get confirmation.
I live in a different country. Can DNA be activated over the phone or through email?
Quantum physics gives us an understanding of non-locality which allows for healing over space and time (instantaneously). I have activated DNA for people in Canada, India, Malaysia, Sweden, Greece, Japan and other places remotely. Deepak Chopra talks about distance healing as do many other Spiritual Teachers, Physicians and Scientists. Einstein taught us that there is no time or space therefore healing can take place in person or from afar.
My preference for the activation is through Skype and this is a video opportunity for us to meet that is free.
How do I pay for a session?
Please pay for your session on my website. You can click the Buy Now button and you will be given a choice to use Paypal or you can Checkout and use your credit card. I will be notified that you have ordered the DNA Activation. After you have paid for your session, email me with some times that work for you. You can check out the time differences through or leave me the largest city near you so I can calculate the time difference. I am in Washington State in the USA which has Daylight Savings Time. We are UTC -8 and in the Spring – Summer UTC -7. If you do not have a credit card you can send me money through Western Union.
How long does it take for the activation to complete?
How long the activation takes is an individual experience. Most say they notice an increase of energy within an hour or so. Others say it is more gradual and a few have said they did not feel anything at all. It varies how long it takes to make the mental integration and the adjustment in the body. This is why I prefer that you either muscle test yourself (kinesiology) or have someone muscle test you prior to the activation so that you know how many strands you have activated already and are able to verify how many strands are activated after the process is complete. Using a pendulum would work as well. I muscle test each person I activate and make sure the activation has been completed.
I read another website where the healer requires one to have an Auric Clearing Session and a Karma removal before the DNA Activation to remove blocks. Will my blocks keep me from being activated?
DNA can be done without previous clearing. The Lords of Karma clear on many levels as they Activate the DNA and the reconnection of your DNA will assist in the clearing of your karma. Please see my website about Chakra Clearing and Healing if you want clearing in addition to the DNA Activation. Claims of 22 strand activation say that the activation has to be done in person. Einstein and Quantum Physics has shown that time and space are relative. I have been doing distant healing for over 10 years. Please check Testimonials for others experiences of this.
Other healers charge a lot more for the DNA Activation and require more of the recipient. Why do you charge so little?
My personal process of awakening was in 1991 when I had an experience that felt like Ascension around the 11:11. Since that time, I knew my work on the planet was to help raise the planet’s vibration. Activating DNA is one way that I fulfill this commitment. Over time, when enough individuals are activated, all individuals will be activated. I have also been activating DNA and working with the Lords of Karma for many years. Many people are new at this.
How do I know if my DNA was activated?
Some people feel different after being activated, but not everyone feels different. During the Activation those who meditate regularly usually have more sensations and feel more during the experience. I check with the Lords of Karma and muscle test as well to make sure you Activated. You can also learn to muscle test yourself. Watch this video. The wording you use to test is ” I am fully activated to 144 strands of DNA.” You will get a strong test when you use muscle testing. You may feel more of a difference after the Essential Energy Balancing workshops, so be sure to read about them and sign up. There are Remote Essential Energy Balancing Workshops and I also have an Essential Energy Balancing Audio program you can use.
How do I do kinesiology?
Some people differentiate between kinesiology and muscle testing. They both do the same thing. You can check out my video on Muscle Testing. You can also find a handout on this on this website under Books/Self-Help Tools. A more in-depth understanding comes from David Hawkin’s Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior which communicates about kinesiology and something very powerful called the Map of Consciousness.
Are there any detoxification symptoms with the Activation?
Some people when receiving massage or other energy work such as DNA Activation experience detox symptoms. I encourage you to drink plenty of water after having any energy work done to prevent or alleviate these symptoms. General symptoms of any cleansing are sleeping more or less than usual, increased or decreased energy, headache, body aches, frequent urination, hot or cold sweats. If any of these natural detox symptoms occur, just drink plenty of water to cleanse your system.
What do I do after the DNA Activation?
After the DNA Activation I send you information where you can continue to clear with the Lords of Karma. Please use this process. Not only will it help you clear issues, but it will also teach you to connect with the Lords of Karma for yourself and work with them. If you are not comfortable with this process, you can make an appointment with me and I will walk you through this process.
What else can I do to remove Karma?
After the DNA Activation, the next step is the Essential Energy Balancing Process. This is an Ascension Process where you can clear 1/2 to 2/3 karma in your life. This is a new process on the planet and clears more than any other I have seen. I also notice that each time I facilitate this process, the more clearing I receive.
What is involved in a Remote Essential Energy Balancing Workshop?
When I facilitate an Essential Energy Balancing Workshop, (EEB I, EEB II, or EEB III), I do this remotely for those who cannot attend during the scheduled workshops. At this time there is an audio program for the Essential Energy Balancing I and the Essential Energy Balancing II Audio is in production.
Prior to the workshop you are taking, if you want more information you can get the Essential Energy Balancing I, II, or III books by Diane Stein. They must be done in order with EEB I first. Although I will be taking you through the process remotely, the information in the book is important if you want to understand what is happening. During the process I ask that you rest. You can move around your home reading and gardening and being still, but it would not be good to do this when you are working or too active. Generally the Remote EEB I workshop is Saturday Pacific Time. The EEB II is a one day workshop. You can calculate the time zone difference on I am in Washington state so you can look for Seattle, Washington, USA. After the workshop, I will send you information about what to do after you have completed the process.
How do I channel or connect with the Ascended Masters?
To connect with the Lords of Karma or a specific Ascended Master you can go into the theta state. To do this focus in your heart and then bring your attention out of the crown chakra at the top of your head into the heavens. Ask them to connect with you and be still and listen. When you ask questions of them you can create a symbol for how you receive a yes or no. For instance you can imagine a rosebud. If the rose opens this is a yes and if the rose wilts this would be a no. If you get a no when doing the Essential Energy Balancing Processes, you can ask them what you need to do first and then listen. If you don’t get this information it may come with practice. I find you have to be receptive and not think too much, but rather soften your gaze and receive. If you still cannot do this, you may want to practice meditation for awhile to quiet your mind.