Clear your Earth Karma
Clear your Earth Karma
Enjoy these 10 Meditations to Bring more Light into your System and Connect
with your Higher Self, Essence Self, Goddess/God Self and Goddess/God
Let go of Negative Patterns
Clear pre-life Karmic Contracts
Fully integrate Soul Fragments
Heal emotional and physical pain
Light up with your Energy Selves
Connect with your Goddess/God Self and Goddess/God
EEB I Remote Workshop Dates 2023
Saturdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Seattle, WA US time
January 21
April 15
July 15
October 21
Remote Workshop
Join with others internationally
from the comfort of your home remotely!
When you sign up for the Remote workshop I will send you a preparation email a couple days ahead of the workshop, a morning message from the Lords of Karma the day of the workshop and a completion email afterward. The completion email will give you some processes to continue your clearing and some tools to enhance your experience.
Essential Energy Balancing™ I Workshop $97.00*
Pay here and Candess will email you!
Many have asked and YES, you can stay in the comfort of your home! With the Remote Process, I will connect with the Lords of Karma and the Divine Director and go through the processes (the ten meditations) and I will connect with you and watch to make sure that they happen for you. I will see that the energy goes from the top of your head down through the bottom of your feet on each of these processes. I use my clairvoyance and also muscle testing to make sure the processes complete for you. If there is energy stuck or something needs to happen differently I see this and correct it with the Divine Director. In this process you will connect with your Goddess/God Self and your Goddess/God. This is a powerful process and since my connection, they have guided my life in incredible ways!
I ask that you not be too busy during the time this is happening and if you are sleeping that is fine. If you are awake I encourage people to be relaxed and move through their home gently, maybe reading, cooking, or gardening. You can do work on the computer, or watch television, but I encourage people not to be working in a busy, noisy environment. Of course, you have free will and can do it however you want, but my hope is the experience would be felt more if you are quiet and relaxed.
Receive EEB I, II, and III Remotely for this special price!
EEB Remote Total Package for 1, 2, and 3 is $197!
Essential Energy Balancing I Processes
Process I – The Opening Process
Process II – The Daily Process
Process III – Core Soul Healing
Process IV – The First Ascension Process
Process V – Emergency Clearing and Essential Energy Circle
Process VI – The Second Ascension Process
Process VII – Opening the Chakra Complexes
Process VIII – The Third Ascension Process
Process IX – Core Soul Protection
Process X – Light Body Activation
There are 3 ways you can experience this during the remote workshops.
1. You can just know it is happening and afterward I will send you an email or
2. You can read through the information I will send you after you sign up that overviews the process or
3. You can buy Diane Stein’s book Essential Energy Balancing: An Ascension Process and read the book before or during the day of the workshop. You do not have to go through the processes in the book; I will do that for you because they can be confusing, but the additional information is helpful if you are interested in what is happening. If you do buy the book, please understand the information is outdated. The Lords of Karma are not ominous as they were when they first came through for Diane. When I work with the Lords of Karma the activation is to 144 strands. At this time it is rare to have your crown chakra block your own intuitive information like it did with Diane. The feedback has been that if this does happen, it has been for a short period of time, maybe a few days.
These processes are in-depth and although I have been facilitating this for many years, it is difficult to keep all the information in my conscious mind and I, too, often refer to the book for answers to questions, so if you have a lot of questions, I prefer you buy and read the book.
This is a clearing process and issues will come up to clear and this is a good thing!
I am available afterward for individual appointments to help process whatever comes up and for readings and clearings. Please visit my Intuitive Readings page for more information.
This process clears 50%-75% of the karma and you do not have to keep doing the same thing over and over again, lifetime after lifetime!
Have questions?? Visit my Essential Energy Balancing Workshop FAQ page
What happens in a Remote Workshop?
1. Once you sign up on my website, I send you a confirmation email.
2. A few days before the workshop I send you a Preparing for the EEB I email where I explain what will happen and how you can be prepared. You are also given information so you can follow along the process.
3. The morning of the workshop I send you an email letting you know the message I received from The Lords of Karma in my morning meditation.
4. While you are in the comfort of your own home or wherever you are, I take you through the Processes making sure they are complete for you at every step.
5. After the workshop I send you an email with information so you can continue the clearing of Earth Karma and bring in additional Light.
Japanese Clients – I am creating a Japanese site – where you will have the information translated for you!