Try these blends to assist in balancing the first chakra. Remember for medical issues, it is important for you to contact your medical provider.
Essential oils are nature’s perfect solutions for the problems that chemicals, poor nutrition and stress have added to our lives.
Just a few drops at a time can calm us down, help us to focus, relieve the tensions we all inevitably face. They can relax our muscles, improve our digestion, help us get a fantastic night’s sleep, or remember what we need to remember. They can make us strong in the face of challenges, whether mental, emotional, psychological, or physical. They can help us build up our immune systems, loosen our joints, and enhance our ability to heal on all fronts. They can help to purify our bodies of chemical toxins as well as the air we breathe. They connect us with nature.
The fragrant molecules of pure essential plant oils have been with us since our beginning. They “speak” to us of the essence of life and the way to be in harmony with it. They re-connect us with nature’s holistic design for wellness, in body, mind, and spirit. They put the power of wellness in our own hands, lift our spirits and help to open our hearts. They teach us to breathe, relax, and reach out to other people. That’s why we need them now…possibly more than ever.