Do you ever feel you have to juggle it all to make your commitments each day? Whether you’re scattered or organized, most of us tend to over-schedule ourselves. Even the weekends get planned so tightly that by Monday, you feel tired and ready for a break. Do you have trouble distinguishing between what is important and what becomes habit?
I remember one day when my daughter Charisma was young, she asked me to take her to go play with a friend. My response was that I was too busy and couldn’t take her. I didn’t have time. She looked at me and said, “Mom, everyone has 24 hours in a day.” Interestingly, this statement shocked me! I didn’t realize I had wound myself so tight; I wasn’t even aware of how much I had over-scheduled and how it affected my children. We all have 24 hours in a day! You can choose how you spend your time.
[clickToTweet tweet=”We all have 24 hours a day. It is our choice how we spend it.” quote=”We all have 24 hours a day. It is our choice how we spend it.”]
Several years ago in an intuitive session with a client, I saw an image of an open book in his heart chakra. In this book, I saw several countries and several cultures. When I shared this, he said that he and his wife had planned to travel when they retired, but she had become ill with cancer. He said that she wanted him to do some traveling without her. I sensed he was grieving and didn’t want to go alone. From the image in his heart, though, I sensed that if he didn’t go, he would suffer energetically, having dreamed of his trip for years. Energy stuck in the heart can create stress and possibly illness. If his wife felt guilty because he didn’t go, like he suggested, this may affect her health negatively as well. His choices were many. I am not sure what he decided to do, but my hope is he was able to travel some, keep a video record of the trip and share it with his wife. As a friend of mine always says, “Life is short.”
[clickToTweet tweet=”Soul Stems help you to clarify how you want to create your life! #LessisMore” quote=”Soul Stems help you to clarify how you want to create your life!”]
Use Soul Stems to go deeper into your process.
What takes up too much of my time is . . .
What I really want to do is . . .
If I were living my life today as I pleased and had all the resources (time, money, support), I would be . . .
I am energized when . . .
I am exhausted when . . .
One small step I can make today to free up time is . . .
It takes less time and energy to plan and execute something fun than it does to keep rehashing reasons why you should not do it!
Love the Soul Stem prompts! I am a daily journaler and this is a great addition. Yes, it does take less time and energy to plan and execute something fun than it does to keep rehashing reasons why you should not do it!
Teresa I didn’t know you were a daily journaler! That is so wonderful. Hope we journal together some time when I do Facebook Live sessions!
Out of the mouths of babes! What a wise daughter you have, Candess. And I simply love the soul prompts. Incorporating them! Thank you.
Prioritising how to spend time is such a challenge, Candess, and you are so right that it takes less time and energy to plan something fun than to rehash reasons why you should not do it. Those prompts are so good. Your daughter was wise beyond her years.
I am changing my schedule around to make it easier to have time to myself. It’s a little bit harder now cause of the way I am doing business, but I am making my health and mediation a big part of my life. You only have one life and I recognized this , however, always need a good reminder.
Lori English, MSW
That is fantastic Lori. Balance seems a simple concept but implementation can be tricky.
Time has always been a fascination of mine and I often felt that I didn’t have ‘enough time’ to do all I wanted to do. It created stress and impacted my health. Whenever I feel that now, I use the mantra “There is enough time for everything you want to do” and that helps. I have had conversations with people about our ability to ‘bend’ time to our benefit. I love the idea and prompts in your soul stems, Candess. I am going to reframe how I use my time and use some of these soul stems to bring clarity. As an aside, my fascination with time, actually had me design recycled watch part jewelry in the 90’s, and in all the pieces I designed, time always stood still!
That’s so funny Bevereley. Creating a piece of jewelry from watch parts and making time stand still must be like cleaning out your purse to un-stress from chaos in your life. I’ve been funneling for a couple years now, having less to do and less to take care of. Loving it!
Since leaving Corporate America, I’ve noticed that it’s harder to plan my time. My entrepreneurial day sometimes is very effective; other times, not so much! I think very carefully before I say yes or no because my time is precious. Somehow 24 hours isn’t enough!
Precious is the perfect word Meghan. The more I slow down and do less, the more everything around me becomes precious too. You do a lot to help people automate their business which is great for more free time.
OMG Candess, this so true! Two sides to that too…. business owners that fail and wonder why had the same 24 hours that those who are successful but didn’t make it happen… but then again… as women and as business owners… we make it too much by taking on too much and not living our life (the LONGEST thing we know which is why I never believe the saying “life is short” because what do we know that spans longer than that, than our life?) to the fullest… sad! Thank you for the reminder!
Kristen I like the thought that Life is Long. When I say “life is short” it puts me in a hurry space. Thanks for that insight! Revising my thinking!
I’ve always been amazed how we all have the same 24 hours in a day and one person can’t have time and another makes time for what’s important. Thanks! Good post
We each have 24 hours and how we choose to spend it does reflect on what we get accomplished. But, we also have the ability to decide how fast or slow we perceive it as passing by. We have been trained to see ourselves in a race against time. I’ve decided to set the intention that I have all the time to get done what I have to get done in that 24 hours. Time remains the same, but there’s no stress or pressure because I know everything will get done as planned. Why race to the end of life when you can amble down the road?
So true, it is always important to take time for yourself and to have fun while you do things too.
This is so relevant. We have so many technology to make things convenient and faster but it seems like we are more busier than ever. I remember Abraham Hicks saying, “you will not complete everything.”