Enjoy this guest blog by Damon Fane.

Friday the 13th is a day most consider to be unlucky, but is there a spiritual aspect to this day? Well Friday the 13th was not always considered to be unlucky. There were Pagans that use to celebrate the divine feminine on this day. This is because Friday is the day of Venus. The number 13 has correspondences with death, and rebirth.
This is not an unlucky day like most believe. I think this misconception comes from the number 13, most believe the number is unlucky, which is why many tall buildings skip the 13th floor. Thirteen probably has this stigma because of it correspondence with death, as I’ve said before. Many also consider 12 to be a perfect number, and since 13 comes after, they consider it to be “evil” or “unlucky”.
On this day I like to do practices that help obtain good luck and fortune. Although most believe it to be unlucky, you can use this day for good luck as well. As a ceremonial magician, I will perform rituals that will help bring good luck in my spiritual work. You can do as little as focus on good intentions that can have good fortune come to you.
As you can see from reading this article, Friday the 13th can be a wonderful day. As long as you focus on good fortune intentions, this day can be very beneficial.
Damon Fane
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