Richard Gerber shares in his book Vibrational Medicine, “Laying-on-of-hands healing has been practiced throughout the world for thousands of years. In the late 1700s, Franz Mesmer theorized that subtle life energy of a magnetic nature was exchanged between healer and patient during laying-on-of-hands. Mesmer also discovered that water could effectively store this subtle force for transfer to sick patients in need of healing.”
When teaching Reiki healing for many years, I told my students that we all have the ability to heal. Many clients experienced their own ability to feel energy and heal themselves as well as others in this process.
An illustration of this principle involved a client of mine with cancer who was in the hospital preparing for surgery. I asked my students to meet me there and use Reiki to help calm her and assist in the healing process. When the doctors located a blood clot and could not operate, I invited my students, as well as the client’s mother and sister, to assist me in laying hands on the client. After talking with the nurse in charge, I understood the clot needed to dissolve before they could operate. We all imaged this as we did the healing. A period of a half hour or so went by, and when I felt an immediate sense that the healing was complete, I asked the nurse to check again. They did, and the clot was gone. The client was subsequently able to receive the needed surgery, the mother and sister of the patient were able to be helpful, and my students’ confidence in their healing ability increased. It was a glorious day!
We are all connected to the Source, and we all have the ability to channel this love. You can begin by just placing your hands on your loved ones and begin to feel your own ability to heal. You can also practice on your pets. They love it. Well, cats sometimes won’t allow the healing energy unless they are ill, but you can try. Take time in the evening and rub your hands together and place them over your face and just breath. You’ll be amazed!
Find more information in Week Twelve of my book.
12 Weeks to Self-Healing: Transforming Pain through Energy Medicine.
I am such a believer in healing hands, Candess! I’ve seen it work. I’ve felt it through my own hands. We ARE all connected to Source.
Just love your energy!
Candess, I love the idea of practising on your pets. My little 15-year-old dog could use a little hands on healing to help with her aches and pains. It’s funny how you know things when you are a kid, and then forget. I used to ‘pull’ my headaches away through my temples and remove nausea by ‘pulling’ it out through my belly button. It always worked.
Tamuria isn’t it amazing what we give up to fit in. When I teach Clairvoyant Classes, that is always what comes up. When we are in a safe place, we remember the abilities we once used! I love the ways you healed yourself when you were young!
Nicely done. The power of touch, energy, intent, meditation and prayer are truly amazing.
Write on!~
Thanks Lisa! Nice to hear from you!
Interesting information about Reiki – did not know much about it. Thanks for explaining.
I’d like to know more about Reiki. I had it once at a spa. I wanted to understand it and experience and I didn’t. I believe in prayer and miracles and think sometimes “understanding” isn’t always necessary.
I really enjoy Reiki. You may want to check out a book on Reiki. There are many classes available as well. Mostly I use Reiki to heal my family and pets.
What a beautiful description oh ‘healing hands,’ Candess, and, yes, what a glorious day you describe in this post. Thank you for the work you do.
I would love to have healing hands and when money is better, i would like to invest in someone doing rheiki on my regularly. Self care is so important.
Sonya I hope you do that. You may want to trade sessions for the work you do. It is so nice to receive!
What an interesting story about using Reiki for healing. I must confess that I did not know about it before. It is good to know that we all possess these abilities to heal.
Wow! That’s really amazing! There are so many things that we can do to heal that many people aren’t even aware of. I went for Reiki once. The person doing the treatment was a beginning student (read that as friend who needed a guinea pig). It was relaxing. Is there a way you should feel after the treatment? I just felt kind of sleepy and was wondering if there was an expected response.
Jennifer it really depends on the person as to how they will feel afterward. Relaxed and nourished would be a good result. The healing that happens in the body often is not noticeable until later. Some people are sensitive to energy and feel movement. Trusting the person who is working with you, as in all services is important.
Candess, this is such a powerful article and demonstrates the power of healing and intention. I believe we all have the power within to be, do and have anything we want. As a Reiki practitioner myself, I’ve used Reiki to help me heal from cancer and other things as well as help clients, friends and family.
We are all connected and if everyone recognized their magnificence, the world would be a better place. Thanks for sharing this inspiring story!
Tandy I am delighted to hear you are a Reiki practitioner! I am sure you understand the power of healing hands!
I have taken Reiki Master course as well. I have to remember now that I need to practice.