When providing intuitive readings to clients, what I see most is that they are in transition. In fact, I believe most people worldwide are in transition. The identity one associated with in the past has shifted. Jobs are gone, loved ones have been lost and trust in the governmental powers that be, have been, and are scary.
This began with me before Covid began. My brain function started to deteriorate and fatigue began to set in. This happened so slowly that I didn’t know what was happening. Allopathic doctors were not helpful. After months of being bedridden, I am now functioning again, with better understanding of my illness after educating myself.
Being homebound, isolated, unable to drive and not receiving adequate medical care, I was at a loss. The immediate response to any stress, be it action or thought resulted in extreme pain in my muscles. The inflammation flared. I fainted when I stood, I couldn’t eat, and I am now an expert on anything taught on television.
It has been funny to watch myself when my normal abilities floundered and I was attempting to learn “the new me.” I attempted to get back to work too early, not knowing if I would get better or not. I am happy to say, I am now experienced in pacing, setting good boundaries and learning less is more. I’m still working on my filter! I am back in my somewhat active life, but not compulsively as before. I am peaceful and working part time.
Having said that, what I want to share is the symptoms of ME, which I experience, are very similar to Covid Symptoms. This causes some hope and some concern. With the crossover between Covid and ME, doctors and other professionals who have been on the cutting edge of ME are gaining support. https://bit.ly/3Az4gwZ
My concern is that ME is more common than Diabetes, but the difference is that most doctors ignore it or won’t learn about it. I assume it is because they cannot find the cause yet. There is no parasite, virus, etc. that they can find. What they could have done though and others have done since medicine began is to know and monitor symptoms and to teach patients to monitor their symptoms. They could give them tools on how to balance their lives as best they can. If they are bedridden as I was, they could have connected me with a counselor to help me understand how to get simple help like food. One of the symptoms of ME is brain fog. I was not able to focus. It was like my mind was cross-eyed. I was better in the evening. Although I did all I could to get my team of doctors to help me, they weren’t interested. I ended up losing my business. This is another story.
Much of the time I was laying in bed, I was thinking there must be others who are suffering and don’t know how to get help. If you have a loved one who has brain fog and has a difficult time feeling like doing anything, please look at these symptoms. I was confused and couldn’t figure out my password for my online portal for the medical insurance company. It took months later to realize I could have used the phone. mhttps://bit.ly/3wkQzhT
What doctors are calling the long haul effects of Covid are similar to ME, without the lung issues.
I have been a successful business owner; traveling internationally to facilitate workshops, publishing books and teaching and psychically reading clients. I worked as a mental health professional for many years. None of this mattered when ME took over. I couldn’t think well enough to save myself and the doctors looked at me like I was an alien, (apart from my spiritual woo-woo work) and when I lost some of my medication (safely tucked away in my tiny Altoids container I later found), the pharmacy treated me like I was drug seeking.
The National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020 says that just over one in ten people in the US have diabetes.
If ME is as pervasive, please talk to your friends, your family and co-workers to see if we are missing someone who might be suffering.
If this is helpful I will share more. Let me know in comments below and be sure to sign up for more information at candess@candesscampbell.com.
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