In the last couple weeks I have noticed several people on television said, “I have to follow my gut,” or “my intuition tells me,” or something similar. Having worked as a counselor, intuitive coach and psychic medium for many years, this delights me.
Whenever I teach classes what happens is that my students (in a safe environment) begin to remember how intuitive they were as children and share with the group. We are all intuitive! What happens is parents who abandoned their own intuition stop their children from talking about their experiences. The child learns to shut it down. If they don’t give up their intuition as a result of their parents, their peers tease them and eventually this natural gift goes dormant.
In session with clients for the last 30 years, over and over again I see the same pattern. A client comes to me leaving a marriage or a relationship. I ask, “when did you know this was not the right person for you?” The answer sadly is “the day we met” or “the day we married.” This is the same with jobs and buying homes or moving to a new city.
What happened is that their intuition was clear but they did what I call “intellectual over-ride.” They let their ego get involved and didn’t listen to their own truth. They began to doubt themselves.
This is why I wrote the book Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul. For years I have been creating Soul Stems ™ which are writing prompts to help clients get clear on their own truth. In the book I also teach you to create an image that represents the issue at hand. Then you use a Soul Stem to understand the image. Symbolism is such a powerful tool as I am sure you know from your dreams.
Whether you want to do some inner work or to free up your intuition to write that book you have been putting off, Live Intuitively will be a great start!
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This is really quite intriguing Candess. I wonder if abandoning one’s intuition is related to over-thinking? Like an internal battle between the gut and the intellect duking it out and postponing decision making? I’m just thinking out loud and defer to your expertise, but that occurred to me.
Jennifer I think you are right on. Thinking often conflicts with the heart and intuition. The problem with rational thought is that we rely the information that have learned or what we know which is very limited compared to our intuition.
Great information Candess. I love the idea of writing the gut feeling down so we can refer to it later and confirm that this was in fact something that our inner being was telling us to pay attention to.
Fascinating! Will have to digest this. I do “get it”, but wonder why egos stomp on truths. Perhaps i have not had this happen? Digesting . .. .
YAY you on the book.. congrats and that is wonderful. I don’t usually think that I am intuitive on things.. I’d like to say that I read people well.. but then again, I am a people person so I can make just about any relationship blossom. lol
Great post, Candess. I remember when my husband and I were buying a house, and I just didn’t feel great about it, but I went along with it because my husband wanted to move there. As I look back, I don’t think it was a good move for us. I guess, even if we have to disappoint someone we love, it’s better to share our feelings and talk it out.
This is fabulous, Candess. I really resonated with your analogy about knowing someone wasn’t right the day they met or wed. This is, unfortunately, the case with my ex-husband. Over the years, I’ve become spiritually awake and honed my intuition. It’s something I always work on. Listening to our internal guidance system is wildly important to our overall well-being.
I see where you are going with this and I am delighted you are bringing to light the power within each. Thanks for doing what you do.
Wow! I am glad to learn about this. It justifies that children are more inclined to be spiritually aware with their own guidance. I get what you say about symbolism. I am taking some lessons on metaphysics and we are talking about dreams, too.
For me, listening to the Spirit of God within me is more important than anything my heart or my mind tell me. I’ve learned to recognize that still, small voice and trust it above anything.
Thanks for a nice article. However, seeing friends and people around me I do not think it is always a matter of letting go of your intuition. Rather they are always aware of their intuition, it is just not convenient and therefore they do what is most convenient for the moment etc.
It is as children and adolescents that we usually give up our intuition because we are made to believe we are wrong. It is great that you have friends who follow their intuition! This is a time in the world where we can support each other in this way!
Congratulations on the book! It is such a great topic. We all too often don’t listen to our intuition.
I love the idea of writing prompts to help you get to your own truth and then creating images to represent issues you are having. It’s such a shame when we allow our thinking to override our instincts and forget how to trust ourselves.
It is so true Tami. It is so important to teach our children to continue to be guided by their gut and not their friends. What a difference it makes is a child’s life to learn to trust their intuition.
This blog is still true today as when it was written, Candess! I’ve been really developing my intuition more. It’s so interesting to me that I DID have intuitive nudges when I got married and didn’t listen to them. I didn’t really know what it was. I’m thankful that I raised my kids to listen to and honor their intuition. No doubt your book is helping lots of people!
Thanks Tandy! Love to hear when women hear their intuition and listen!
Many congratulations! The topic is great. Thanks for sharing the informative post.