Kwan-Yin is known as The Goddess of Mercy, Gentle Protectress, Bodhisattva of Compassion, she holds many titles, even the savior of seamen and fishermen. The name “Kwan Yin” is a derivation of a Chinese name for the goddess that is the energy of motherly compassion. Being one of the “mother” goddesses, she is especially connected to those in need of any kind of help, be they sick, lost, frightened or simply in unfortunate circumstances.
She is a great protector and benefactor of the weak, the ill and especially the children and the babies. Indeed, her force is compared to Mother Mary in the West, Green Tara in the Tibetan culture, the Virgin of Guadeloupe in Mexico, and many other ancient goddesses, the matriarchy of old. You might call her the Buddhist Madonna.
She had numerous embodiments prior to her ascension thousands of years ago and has taken the vow of the bodhisattva (being of enlightenment) to teach the unascended children of God how to balance their karma and fulfill their divine plan by loving service to life and the application of the violet flame through the science of the spoken Word.