Today is the Ascension Day of St. Germaine who is one of the Lords of Karma that guides my life and my work. I feel his presence around me often and I am comforted by him, as well as receive his creative guidance. This is a great day to share my story.
Saint Germain is Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the violet ray, of freedom, alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation. He comes bearing the gift of the violet flame for world change. He tutors and initiates souls in mastery of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of prophecy and the working of miracles.
Ascended Master Saint Germaine is now known as “The God of Freedom” for the Earth and, since May 1, 1954, the Hierarch for the “Dawning Golden Age” in this current Aquarian Age cycle. Today is the day that St. Germaine Ascended.
When I was 14 years old I was what was referred to back then as a “Jesus Freak.” If you research the movement you will get a lot of different views, but for me it was amazing. There was a coffee house in downtown Spokane called the “I AM Coffeehouse.” I hitchhiked downtown from the north side of Spokane to hang out and pass out the newspapers called “The Truth.” We shared the message, which was called Witnessing. Today if someone did this, it would annoy me, but this was the late 1960s and early 1970s and a totally different time. Below is a photo from that time with my then boyfriend Bernie.
On January 1, 1970 my family was visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousins who lived near Shadle Park. From their house I decided to take the bus downtown to “witness.” I walked to the bus stop at Alberta and Rowan and waited. A man pulled up in a baby blue pickup truck and asked me if I wanted a ride. I thought to myself, “Jesus will protect me,” so I got in.
I noticed he was taking me somewhere other than downtown. I began to panic and I could hardly breathe. I put my hand on the door handle, contemplating my next move. The truck turned left and I quickly opened the door and either jumped or flew out – or both.
The next thing I remember, I awakened to bright lights overhead. My eyes focused and I saw my dad and mom standing over me, their faces gray and drained. I was at Holy Family Hospital. I had been in a coma for two weeks.
I was told I had a contusion and a Catholic priest (my dad’s faith) had been called and he administered last rights. What happened for me, though, was that I experienced floating upward and going towards a light. There was a Being near the light (who now I know to be Saint Germaine) who said to me, “You are not done yet, you have to go back.”
Years later, with the help of my dear friend, the late Dr. Gilbert Milner, I was able to piece together the memories and sensations of this experience. Gil was a psychiatrist, shaman, cave diver, acupuncturist and hypnotherapist and – through hypnotherapy – he guided me to relive the experience of the accident.
This trauma resulted in brain damage (my term) and I had to relearn to coordinate my body. During the time that my brain was healing, I could not think well and therefore accessed the intuitive part of me in order to survive. This experience catapulted my psychic abilities and somehow left an opening for me to access the world beyond the physical.
Since I was a little girl I often reached out for the Spirit world as a safe haven. Although I adored my dad and he was my main nurturer, he was alcoholic and when he drank I didn’t feel safe. I began to “connect upward” rather than to trust those in physical bodies. I enjoyed a sense of belonging with God and the Angels and today I work closely with and am guided by a group of Ascended Masters called the Lords of Karma.
[clickToTweet tweet=”You can clear up to 75% of your Earth Karma!” quote=”You can clear up to 75% of your Earth Karma! “]
Today I assist others in connecting with their guides and their loved ones on the other side. I also facilitate a Karmic Clearing workshop with the Lords of Karma called Essential Energy Balancing. This workshop clears karma and connects you with your Higher Self, Essence Self, Goddess/God Self and Goddess/God.
On this celebratory day – Allow yourself the freedom to move into giving and receiving Love.
Wow, what an amazing story Candess! So amazing how our true gifts and purpose come to fruition. I am wondering if your work is helpful with those with Alzheimers?
Oh, my goodness, what an incredible journey you have had Candess. It is so good you listened to your instincts, or guides, to escape and that you recovered from such a traumatic event to go on to help others. You are a shining example of using challenging experiences for the greater good.
That is really kind of you Tami. Thanks for reading and sharing!
An amazing and somehow comforting story, Candess. I know that initial trauma and fear was not easy for you to experience.. but the resulting insight into our higher self and towards our connection to those who have passed is was worth it. Right?
Absolutely Alene. I couldn’t imagine being any different or having a different life. I love the view that our bodies and our awareness from our bodies/ego are so limited. We are much more than what we see!
What an amazing story and experience, Candess! I am so curious who found you after you jumped out of the truck and if they found the man whose truck you got into. It is a very powerful story! I do know about St. Germaine and many years ago went to several workshops given by people who were facilitating his message. I believe that they have their own temple/church here, which is where I went to services several times. The fact that you were able to turn your own experience into a way to help others, is truly what service looks like. Thank you!
Thank you Beverley. I am not sure who found me and we didn’t talk about it much when I was a little girl. I can’t imagine how traumatic it was for my parents. And then . . . I turned 15 and we all know what 15 year old girls are like! I know there was a law suit that was settled which I imagine to be very little other than medical bills. Having said that, in most of my life I have been blessed and guided by angels!
Incredible story, Candess. I have not heard of St. Germaine, so I appreciate the education. It doesn’t surprise me that with brain trauma, your self would resort to finding and establishing other channels. I’m sorry it happened the way it did, but you came through the experience a stronger woman.
Thanks Jackie. We all have our own interesting path, don’t we?
Thank you Candess for sharing your story and your journey. We all have our own beliefs and faith and when we go back far enough, I’m sure we can see that most faiths intertwine and commingle into one another.