In the final post in this series of Connecting with your Guides I’d like to share a recent experience. When you receive information from your guides or a loved one, it will probably come as a cluster of information all at once. Then you can sit with the information and untangle the images and information you receive for clarity. We receive information in four ways.
Clairsentience or “clear feeling”
Clairsentience comes from your feelings and physical sensations. When you begin to develop this sense, it is important to slow down and notice how you feel in certain situations.
Claircognizance or “clear knowing”
When you find you just know something, but cannot explain why, this can be claircognizance. This information may be coming from your Higher Self or you may be tapping into the Collective Unconscious.
Clairaudience or “clear hearing”
Clairaudience is when you hear information. These voices can be from different sources.
Clairvoyance or “clear seeing”
With clairvoyance you may see images and understand the meaning of these visions.
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Last weekend I went to listen to music by Janet and Brett Dodd, local singer/songwriters. I had been worried about a little girl whose father is alcoholic and often unstable. When I was listening, they played a song that reminded me of the music I listened to with my dad when I was a little girl. All of the sudden I sensed my dad near me. (Clairsentience) He showed me an image of this child and her father and a strong karmic bond. (Clairvoyance) All of the sudden I understood that although I worry about her, she is on her path. (Claircognizance) Then I heard my dad tell me he loved me and to just be there when she needs me. (Clairaudience)
Now, this all happened within seconds and tears rolled down my cheeks. It was so powerful, overwhelming, and exciting and I was full of love. Music has been a staple for me in my emotional healing. My heart-felt gratitude to Janet and Brett Dodd for providing the opportunity for this healing and thanks to all my local music friends!
I hope this series has helped you connect with your Guides and Loved Ones. If you would like to schedule a session with me for a Psychic Medium Reading, we can do the session in person, via Skype or the phone.
It seems like your having a great time with your practice and I happy to see the Chakra balancing. Learned what clairvoyance heard it in practice , but so much of me is clinically-based. I personally go to bowls and meditation.
Lori English
Meditation and bowls are such incredible experiences Lori!
Thanks for sharing this personal experience and explaining the four types of clairvoyance, Candess. I have had experiences where my clairsentience and claircognizance have been very ‘loud’ to me, especially in connecting with my father. At one point I ‘heard’ words, but they were not verbal, but more of a feeling, which is why I call them clairsentience. I think many people might not trust these experiences, although if we believe that we are more than just our 5 earthly senses, then it makes perfect ‘sense’ that we can connect with those on the other side of the threshold or veil. It must be fascinating for you to help others activate their own clairvoyance.
Beverley wouldn’t it be wonderful if mothers naturally taught their children to trust their own inner guidance. I too get words sometimes as images rather than sounds. A little bit of daily awareness can really increase our abilities!
What an amazing experience to have your Dad help you through your concerns like that, Candess. I think many of us get these instant sparks of knowledge and understanding without fully knowing their source. I’m a believer too, that music really can help us heal.
It was so amazing Tamuria because my I adored my dad and he was alcoholic too. He showed me our relationship and that of the little girl and her dad. It made it so much easier for me to just love her and let go.
This was a very cool breakdown of which experiences occurred – all in that brief moment of time. Thank you.
Thank you Reba. I hope it helps people to understand what it is like to connect with loved ones on the other side.
What a fantastic experience, thank you for sharing and giving us an insight in to how this felt.
I’ve always been a believer that there is so much more to life than we know but I have no experience of Clairvoyance or Psychic readings. Thank you for making me understand it a little better.
I appreciate your feedback Julie. What can be scary for some is really about love.
That’s very helpful to define each of the terms. Most people don’t realize there are different communication avenues. I work a lot in claircognizance but I get clairsentience from the other side. Sometimes, they sure can be persistent.
Over time Joyce I think we can develop the nuances of all the Clairs! I have been teaching others to develop Clairvoyance for many years and I love when they start to trust themselves. Love that you get it!
Thank you for sharing this very personal experience with us. I can only imagine your joy when you felt and knew your father was communicating with you. T have not had these same experiences with my parents or brother but have had numerous dreams where they are involved and offering help. I know they are aware of me and are constantly providing guidance
Alene, I love when dreams lead us to our loved ones! Thanks for sharing this.
O.M.G. I STILL have goosebumps… or God bumps reading this powerful story. I believe music is a universal language and the ability to merge music with the ability to connect with loved ones on the other side is… well, I can’t think of much better than that!
Thanks for your intense response Tandy. Sounds like you also have a deep connection to music. It is a beautiful way to connect with our loved ones forever!
Wow! I’ve learned so much, and I have to admit that I’m still trying to wrap my head around some of these ideas. So I’ll ask about something that’s piqued my curiosity. How do you tell the difference between clairvoyance and imagination? I know my imagination can run pretty wild, and I wonder sometimes if it’s inspired or if it’s just vivid.
That is a good question Jennifer. I think it is our imagination that allows for us to access others on the other side. Our ego would defiantly put up a fight. What I teach clients is to make notes in their journal when they get an “intuitive hit” or when they sense they are picking up information from a loved one or guide. When they do this, they begin to have a sense of when they are right and it is true and when they are “wishing.” Over time this gut sense develops more. Use your imagination, make up things and follow where you go. It can lead you right to the person you love!
It must have been so awesome to have this experience. It just proves that your father is always there. Our guides are constant reminders that we are not just body but spirit, too.
I am not sure I’ve heard about Clairaudience. I would be happy to be able to listen to these voices and connect with my ancestors. I am actually amazed at my findings today. It gave me goosebumps reading and getting all those details about you and your dad.
Apolline, be sure to grab a copy of 4 Ways to Develop your Clairvoyance on my site! Would love to hear you are tapping in!
WO W I am so happy for you to have such a clear experience! It sounds like you can both continue to give each other peace without a doubt of the bridge between these worlds. Bless you <3