It is common to not feel safe enough to be public about your gifts of intuition. So often people who don’t understand are critical and attacking. When I have taught classes in Clairvoyance, what has happened is when people come together in a class and share, they begin to remember the abilities they had as children. They share with each other and validate their intuitive ability.
Too often when you are surrounded by people who are not very sensitive, you begin to doubt your own ability and give up your intuitive awareness. If you don’t give it up in your immediate family, you may choose to stop listening because your friends taunt you. This is a form of bullying.
My experience is I had a head injury from a fall from a truck when I was 14 years old. I was in a coma for two weeks and the priest had performed “last rights” over me. I had a Near Death Experience (NDE) and when I met with St. Germaine in the tunnel, he told me I had to go back. He said I wasn’t done yet. It took me a long time to recover. The next year my brain injury kept me from my usual ability to think. I had to use my intuition to maneuver through my day. This is like immersion training for developing psychic ability. It took several more years before I realized that not everyone used this psychic ability. Over the years I studied meditation and learned about intuition and began to own my ability and to share about it. I found there were many like me who were aware of their intuition but afraid to share.
Think about times when you were young that you “knew” something and followed your intuition. Talk to friends about this. It is a gift that needs to be nurtured to come back alive.
all I can say is that any kind of bullying is not good.
That being said – I think all have right to believe or disbelieve. Just no need to be rude/rough about it
And – That must have been a beautiful experience…
Glad to know you made it through that near death experience to tell your story.