Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do.
― J.P. Morgan
Provided by Lee of
November 6th Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio at 14 deg 21 min. The Full Moon of November is graced by the companionship of Venus in Scorpio in a close conjunction with the Sun projecting onto the Moon only to realize that lasting beauty, love and substance will be discovered deep below the surface rather than in the eyes of its beholders.
November 8th Mercury enters Scorpio. Transiting Mercury completes its tour in diplomatic Libra as it dives into the post election murky depths of Scorpio for the next 19 days.
November 15th Neptune stations direct in Pisces. Transiting Neptune reengages in forward motion near 5 degrees in its native sign of Pisces after five months in retrograde.
November 16th Venus enters Sagittarius. Venus serves as a hostess to pave the way for holiday festivities in the sign of Sagittarius before moving on to Capricorn in December where she will reside for the change of seasons during the remainder of 2014.
November 22nd Sun enters Sagittarius/New Moon in Sagittarius. The Sun joins Venus in the ebullient sign of Sagittarius and within three hours the Moon conjoins the Sun producing November’s New Moon in Sagittarius at 4:32 am PST. Today’s New Moon is the second of five consecutive New Moons near zero degrees beginning with last month’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23, 2014 and continuing through February 18, 2015 as the Sun enters Pisces.
November 24th Chiron stations direct in Pisces. Chiron steps forward in the mystical sign of Pisces at 13 degrees on a mission of healing after 5 months of retracing its steps.
November 27th Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mercury lends its fleet-footed speed to accelerate the tempo of the holiday festivities through November 16th. Mercury has journeyed in three separate signs during this month of November 2014.
Lee of
Wow! Anyone else have some difficult relationship situations as Mercury dipped into the “murky depths of Scorpio?” I am walking consciously for the next while!