Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.
C.G. Jung
Provided by Lee of
October 4th: Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio. The messenger planet reverses direction as it begins its third and final retrograde cycle of 2014 in the sign of Scorpio at 2 degrees for the next 3 weeks. October 8th: Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra. The second of two Total Lunar Eclipses in 2014 mirrors the qualities of last April’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra/Aries. 2014 is an “initiatory” year of completions and new beginnings with a strong emphasis of planetary aspects in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Those with cardinal angles or planets near 15 degrees in the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be more affected by this eclipse.
October 23rd: Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio. The Sun, Moon, and Venus arrive in the sign of Scorpio on the same day to combine their energies within one half of a single degree of longitude in the very first degree of Scorpio at the exact time of a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The synergy of the Sun, Moon, and Venus conjoining each other so closely in a Solar Eclipse is a very rare event that could produce fortunate new beginnings for those who consciously sow seeds of new commitments and intentions.
October 25th: Mercury stations direct in Libra. Mercury steps forward in the relationship sign of Libra at 17 degrees after three weeks in retrograde. Mercury will partner with the Moon’s North Node in Libra to accent détente, fair play, and diplomacy versus hidden agendas during the November 4th elections in the United States. October 26th: Mars enters Capricorn. Transiting Mars arrives in the sign of institutional authority forming harmonious aspects to the Sun & Venus in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces which augurs well for a Happy Halloween.
elly stornebrink says
I can see how there is truth in astrology when I hear about biodynamic farming/gardening and how successful it is. I’ve also heard of other forms such as vedic astrology which is quite detail oriented and accurate. Do you know of, have any preference over one or the other? I generally read horoscopes for fun and interest, sometimes going back to see if the prediction was true or not. <3
Candess M. Campbell, PhD says
I think both astrological systems are powerful tools. Although I took an astrology class many years ago, I found it was beyond what I could understand and so I rely on Lee at He has helped me decide when to travel to India and when to publish my book. It has taken me a long time to learn to have a team that helps me, but I am so grateful I do.