I shared in December that my word for the year was Money. What I mean by this is I am bringing consciousness to Money. That means being aware, responsible and shifting my energy around Money. It is just an energy and one that can uplift, scare, excite and paralyze. It is all in the perspective.
In my Soul Group the book we are reading now is Tony Robbins Money: Master the Game. I highly recommend it. I love it! It challenges me, gives me comfort, overwhelms, protects and educates me. Having a group to hold me accountable to reading and following through is fantastic.
With the delight and the fear that our current market has brought up in people, I want to remind you –
It is all in the perspective.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Money is a second chakra issue. You may be interested in working through your response to money with my book Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul! ” quote=”Money is a second chakra issue. You may be interested in working through your response to money with my book Live Intuitively: Journal the Wisdom of your Soul! “]
Robbins goes on to say – “We can be grateful for our health, our friends, our opportunities, our minds, and the fact that we get to drive on roads that we didn’t have to build, read books we didn’t have to take years to write, and tap into the internet that we didn’t have to create.”
[clickToTweet tweet=”‘Where do you tend to put your focus? On what you have or on what’s missing?’ ” quote=”‘Where do you tend to put your focus? On what you have or on what’s missing?‘”]
Excellent, Candess! One of the things I started doing last year, in conjunction with my morning meditation, was to recite the following mantra: “Money comes to me every day, in every way, so I can live the life I choose and help others.” When I let go of the expectation of how that would occur and just put the intention out there, the universe provided. Another good read about money is “You are a Bad Ass.” Strongly recommended for people who want to change their relationship with money from scarcity to abundance.
Thanks for sharing another resource Jackie. I used to teach manifesting by getting really specific, but Abraham Hicks has convinced me to go general (did like you said) and it works great!
Money is such an interesting issue for all of us, Candess. For many years everything I did was based on how much money I would either make or it would cost. I am not sure where that came from, maybe my parents, especially from my mother’s family who has a scarcity consciousness. I’ve worked to release this desire for ‘fame and fortune’ in my life and am now focused on how I can be of service to the world. Somehow throughout my life, I have been provided for, often in unexpected ways. If we have a preconceived idea about how the money is supposed to show up, we limit all the other ways it can show up. Thanks to Jackie for her mantra and also the book. Both sound perfect to me too.
It is so true Beverley that we learn a lot from our parents. I love that you were able to focus on your service to the world! One of the first things that Tony Robbins shares is about tithing. My friends and I tithe to our Spiritual Source, whatever that may be that month, however we become inspired.
I love Toni. I had one of his recordings and lost all of it when I upgraded my phone due to some apple issue. You’re not alone with your word of the year, Money. Mine wasn’t money but I promise myself to be more open to it.
There are so many words I could have chosen, like wealth or abundance, but the word Money has such a connotation to it, I wanted to clear any negativity around it and bring it into the Light.
Your soul group sounds fantastic – and your book choice is equally good. What a fun topic to dive into together. Thanks for sharing, Candess, I know the light you are bringing to this topic will be healing for many.
Thanks Reba. Tony Robbins has a beautiful Light as well and his focus is helping people!
What a powerful message about the average amount of money being made on our planet. It really does lend to being extremely grateful.
I think so too Teresa. It also puts things in perspective.
Nice post! I loved that book. If you want to read another, I think you’ll like “The Richest Man in Babylon”. Then, since money’s your word this year… find something on Warren Buffet and make sure you see that he earned it and his wife gave it away – a perfect couple! I think that money is definitely one of those things to study and put intention to. People don’t realize the potential for earning in business until they sit down and start playing with numbers and look at what’s necessary to hit those numbers. Intentional behavior with money sure makes a difference. Much better than closing our eyes and pretending it all takes care of itself.
Thanks for the referral Cathy. I love that Tony Robbins is looking out for us all and not just those who have the most.
I have read several of Tony Robbins books. The first one was Awaken The Giant Within. It’s changed my life and how my husband and I live ours. I got his latest book Money: Master the Game. I knew a lot of what he shared but still appreciated the ways to turn your mindset from lacking to prosperity.
It’s always about what you focus on, right?
Happy to hear Tony Robbins has changed your life! I love those who are positive and inspirational and help us all become our better selves!
This is a sad phenomenon that majority of people in the world are in poverty level. We can say that we are much more luckier here in the United States. Even the homeless have clothing and shoes. In third world countries, those can be a luxury.
My travels to India really opened my eyes as did reading books from the perspective of others, especially Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible. I hope more people open their eyes and expand their perspective on their own lives and that of others!