Saturday Chet Caskey and I facilitated an event at the Haunted D. C. Corbin Mansion in Spokane, Washington.
Chet Caskey is a historian and a Ghostologist. He has written several books and I have been blessed to work with him on the book Spooky Spokane: The Killers, Ghosts and Dark History of the City.
What happens at a Spiritualism and Psychic Reading Event?
As Chet introduced me, I was sensing the energy of the room and setting up energetic protection. This is done with a group of Ascended Masters that assist me, or more accurately, with whom I work. This loving group has guided me since I was young, but it was not until I was older that I began to understand who they were and my commitment to work on this level of my being.
In the front of the room as I began to share, I sensed someone in a lot of pain and stated this. I shared with the group that I would be happy to read them. I offered to answer questions about their job, relationship, whether to move or not and such. I also shared I could connect with a loved on the other side. I let them know if they didn’t have a question I could read one of their chakras.
Chakras are energy centers in your body that are about the size of your fist. They contain all the information related to You! I test to see which chakra needs the most attention and read and clear that chakra.
I could tell those in the audience who have had readings before and were comfortable with a psychic reading. They raise their hands ready with a request. In fact the pain I was feeling in the room belonged to my first participant. She had a family member whose energy she could feel around her and sensed this person was stuck. I check it and saw the same. I moved the energy over to the other side and she validated that she felt it happen.
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Other participants asked questions or offered up their energy field for me to choose a chakra and give them information. What I love about this is I answer their question or offer guidance that may sound vague to someone else. What I know is that I am clear in my answer, but the participant is allowed some privacy by the way I speak and I see their face change immediately in accepting the information.
I connected some of the participants with their loved ones and taught them how to do this in the future. I also read and cleared chakras and moved stuck energy using my voice for sound healing.
There was one man in the audience who appeared uncomfortable and at one point went outside for a few minutes. A while after he came back in, I invited him to share. He said “I am a skeptic.” I engaged him in dialogue because I wanted him to feel safe and honor his feelings. I clarified some of my beliefs as he asked, but mostly I hope I modeled what it is like to communicate with someone who has different beliefs. I heard him, validated his listening to himself over others and didn’t take anything he believed about what I do personally.
After the readings, Chet Caskey reenacts an amazing Séance in the adjoining room. He brings alive the history of the Mansion and the spiritualists in Spokane, Washington, which has an amazing history of psychics!
We all have the ability to sense beyond our five senses. Generally you lose this ability when you are young because your family doesn’t validate it and may even tease you or make you “stop making up stories.” If you don’t give up this powerful ability as a child, your peers may tease you. You just stop listening to your intuition. I think this is often where low self-esteem can creep in. When you don’t trust yourself, believe in yourself and stand in your truth, it is easy to start distrusting yourself. As a mental health counselor I have seen this for many years.
As woo-woo the work I do is . . . Intuition is really simple and practical. Self-reflection is necessary and it takes some time to develop your abilities, but it will serve you well.
The Four Ways to Access your Intuition are listed below. With your journal you can increase your intuition. Begin to note what you notice and take notes in your journal. At the end of the week, look over what you have written and summarize your experience. This is a simple and rewarding process.
Clairsentience or “clear feeling”
Clairsentience comes from your feelings and physical sensations. When you begin to develop this sense, it is important to slow down and notice how you feel in certain situations.
Claircognizance or “clear knowing”
When you find you just know something, but cannot explain why, this can be claircognizance.
Clairaudience or “clear hearing”
Clairaudience is when you hear information. These voices can be from different sources within.
Clairvoyance or “clear seeing”
With clairvoyance you may see images and understand the meaning of these visions.
You can also find 4 Ways to Develop your Clairvoyance on my website. This PDF gives you several examples to practice.
Chet Caskey and I will have another Event – An Evening of Spiritualism and Psychic Readings on April 14, 2018!
Bring your Friends!
I would have loved to go there! How much fun your work must be. I wish I lived closer. I believe that it would do EVERYONE good to tune-up and listen to their intuition. As much as I value it – I still take it for granted too often. I’d like to learn more about chakras. I have all the books here. I even have a friend who practices law by chakras.
I love the chakra system. It is so amazing. Please look at my website for quick information on chakras. I have created it so that you see the excess and deficiency in each chakra and how to balance. We all need balance! Thanks for your beautiful comment.
I’m dealing with a major issue and very disturbing invasion of my psychological well-being and also my physical. It’s a harm to my shakra relating to my genital/overall mind and body. I am curious how I can overcome this and beat whatever force is against me?!
Dan I am sorry to hear this. I would need to do a reading with you to give you any information regarding this issue. You can sign up for a reading on my site. We can do some clearing and set up some protection for you.
What a fabulous event, Candess. It looks like it was the perfect venue for it. I love the chakras and, of course, psychic feedback. I’m headed to Sedona for a healing workshop with my spiritual mentor the end of March and I’m looking forward to deepening my intuitive abilities.
Tandy that is fantastic! Life is so much easier when we reach out to a spiritual mentor who can see beyond the five senses. Have fun!
I was there and my loved one is who Candess helped move over to the other side. Great sense of peace now not thinking of my dad being “stuck”. I’m super excited for my first private reading next week! Thank you Candess!
Carole, thank you for sharing here! I was delighted to help you. If only more people understood how a little intervention can change one’s life. My heart is with you!
Sounds like it was a really interesting and beneficial event for those who attended. I love the way you honoured what the sceptic had to say and set a beautiful example of communication. So true that intuition is practical and self-reflection necessary. We do tend to lose those abilities as we grow and have to work hard at gaining them back so we can trust ourselves fully.
Tamuria I am really aware of how our beliefs can limit us and expand us. We are all so different that there is room for everyone. I’m all for inclusiveness.
A Ghostologist? I’ve never heard of that before but I’m sure they are interesting. I live in Northern VA where a big part of the Civil War took place. Many folks in the area claim to have heard/seen ghosts, mostly of soldiers in some of the old homes still being lived in or in the battle fields.
I personally do believe in spirits yet don’t want to personally have encounters with them, especially if I’m on my own at home.
I did enjoy your definitions of the four ways to access our intuition.
Interesting read.
Thanks Claudette for sharing. I didn’t think in terms of ghosts until I started working with Chet Caskey and then he opened my eyes to ghosts. I often help them cross over. As far as Spirits that are already of the other side – well, they have been easy for me to connect with. I wonder if my NDE helped me make that connection.
Love the layers offered in this event, Candess! I couldn’t help but think as I read the description of how you worked with the sceptical man, that wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could use this process when we are faced with people who have diametrically opposing views, or who are sceptical of our perspective. It sounds like you had both a fun and serious event, and that those who were attracted to it, came out with more than they had hoped when they agreed to come on board. Wish I was closer too, so that I could take part in some of your live events.
Would love to have you here Beverley! Yes, I agree. If we could hear what others believe from a neutral and curious place it would be delightful. Trying to change someone else’s belief is exhausting. I want to be honored for who I am and what I believe and allow others to feel the same way.
An hour ago, I did a chaka meditation. I have become more and more drawn to working with my chakras although I have been aware of the power o our chakras or a long time. It is my understanding that our chakas can hold blocked energy that is impacting certain areas of our life, is that right? I enjoyed your story of how you offered your services at the event and how you witnessed others and communicated to them in a safe manner. The intuition explanations were very enlightening too. Thank you.
Yes Teresa, the chakras hold information and can become blocked. If you are interested in learning more about this I have an meditation audio I created that teaches you to go through the chakras and read and clear them yourself. It is also great to play at night while you are sleeping. I use it myself at night if I don’t want to take the time to clear my chakras. I created this audio from classes I taught on meditation, healing and chakras. When I didn’t have time to continue teaching, I prepared this so my students could continue to learn, balance and protect themselves energetically. If you are interested you can find it here.
What an interesting life you lead! I’ve long believed in the things you talk about in this article and have been particularly interested in chakras lately. I need to do a bit more research and work in that area. Thanks for the link to your chakra-clearing CD. I’ll check it out.
Hope you enjoy the Chakra Clearing Audio Jackie. It has a lot of information in it. I love to use it when I sleep so I don’t have to do the clearing in my wake time!
This sounds like you had a successful event. I am glad that you were able to shed some light to those who were in inquiry. I also appreciate you have shared some distinctions on the different ways one can have intuition come.
Thanks Lorii. Hope it helped.