What are Two Important Tools you have at all times?
The ability to Say Yes and to Say No!
There are many reasons you go on auto-pilot with an answer.
You are so busy you don’t think before you speak.
You learned from your parents to always say Yes or No.
You are a people pleaser and Yes is an easy answer, even though what you are agreeing to may be difficult.
You are overwhelmed and No is quick and simple.
It’s your Life – Own it!Click To Tweet
Too often in decision making, you are on auto-pilot. This keeps you from using your ability to reason and more importantly, to listen to your intuition.
On any given day you have many opportunities to make Yes and No decisions. Today I’d like to invite you to become more conscious, more deliberate about your decisions.
It helps to have a notepad or a journal with you.
When you are asked to do something, STOP yourself from answering automatically.
You may respond like this.
Interesting, I’ll have to think about it.
Let me ponder that and I’ll let you know.
Great idea. Let me sleep on it.
Thanks for asking. I’ll take some time to see if it is right for me.
So often I witness people who spend a large part of their day doing what they don’t want to do and making excuses why they can’t do what they really DO want to do.
Choice is a powerful tool! The more you make conscious choices, the more empowered you become.
Even taking time for yourself to explore how often you say Yes or No seems self-indulgent. Life is precious. Choose your Quality of Life and make Empowered Decisions.
Choice and Empowerment are Third Chakra issues.Click To Tweet
Learn more about your own Personal Power and balancing your Third Chakra!
Two Powerful Tools! was originally published on Energy Medicine DNA