Wishing you health and abundance in 2015!
My gift to you is the
Astrological Forecast for January 2015
by Lee!
January 3rd: Venus enters Aquarius at 6:48 am PST. Venus partners with Mars in the fixed air Aquarius sign of friends, colleagues, and associates gracing the arrival of 2015.
January 4th:Mercury enters Aquarius at 5:08 pm PST. The messenger planet…
Astrological Forecast for January 2015
Your inner flame burns low and your fire is about to burn out. This is the time to access the information and vibrational energy of your creative, playful, and lively inner child-self.
– Candess M. Campbell, PhD
Thanks to Lee for January 2015 Astrological Forecast!
January 3rd: Venus enters Aquarius at 6:48 am PST. Venus partners with Mars in the fixed air Aquarius sign of friends, colleagues, and associates gracing the arrival of 2015.
January 4th: Mercury enters Aquarius at 5:08 pm PST. The messenger planet joins Venus and Mars in the spirit of Aquarian fellowship contributing to an expansive sense of compassion and goodwill in the midst of a transformational Full Moon in today’s “Cardinal Cross” aspect.
January 4th: Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn at 14 deg 31 min at 8:53 pm PST. The first Full Moon of 2015 activates a brief “Cardinal Cross” aspect with Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, and the Moon’s Nodes in Libra/Aries. This aspect represents an initiatory echo from last April’s “Cardinal Cross” alignment that coincided with completions and new beginnings both collectively and personally during the Spring Season of 2014. By February 2015 the powerful transits of the past year will begin to fade.
January 12th: Mars enters Pisces at 2:21 am PST. The planet of action arrives in the mystical waters of Pisces reminding us to test the waters in making choices following any New Year resolutions we promised ourselves. Transiting Mars will enter its native sign of Aries on February 19th beginning a 40 day period for taking action after testing the waters of our resolutions.
January 20th: Super New Moon in Aquarius at 5:14 am PST. The Sun and Moon merge in the early minutes of a single degree of longitude in the sign of Aquarius on January 20th resulting in a rare Aquarius New Moon double header event followed by a second Super New Moon in the final degree of Aquarius on February 18th ushering in the Chinese New Year.
January 21st: Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius at 7:54 am PST. The first Mercury retrograde of 2015 is in the sign of Aquarius insisting that we consider the bigger picture of how we as individuals fit into the collective community of the global village. Mercury will station direct at 1 degree in Aquarius on February 11th.
January 27th: Venus enters Pisces. Lady Venus completes Her New Year visit in Aquarius to serve as a muse with Mars, Chiron, and Neptune in Pisces through February 19th.
I just found out you can order a Goddess Natal Report: Interpretations for 12 Goddess Asteroids in a natal chart with Lee for only $25! Find out more about his Intuitive Astrological Readings at Stillwatersastro.com!
December Astrological Forecast
“How did it get so late so soon?”
― Dr. Seuss
Provided by Lee of http://www.stillwatersastro.com
December 4th: Mars enters Aquarius. The planet of action places its emphasis in the social sign of Aquarius spicing up the holiday season within 3 weeks of Hanukkah and Christmas. A harmonious “trine” aspect between Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo also brings a spark of levity to lift the holiday spirits.
December 8th: Jupiter stations retrograde in Leo at 23 degrees. Expansive Jupiter steps back after five months of direct motion in the regal sign of Leo. Jupiter will station direct in Leo in April 2015.
December 6th: Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius at 14 degrees. The final Full Moon of 2014 closely opposes Mercury in Sagittarius and squares Chiron in Pisces which is likely to create stress and tension in communications for a brief period.
December 10th: Venus enters Capricorn. Transiting Venus prepares the Cardinal soil of Capricorn for the arrival of a unique initiatory Winter Solstice on December 21st highlighted by the New Moon in Capricorn within a fraction of the 1st degree of Capricorn preceded by Uranus’ direct station within just 20 minutes of the Solstice.
December 15th: Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 12 deg 35 min. The continuing trials of the titans Uranus and Pluto meet once again for yet another transformational “square” aspect for the first time since last April’s Cardinal Grand Cross. Be prepared for more even more initiatory shifts in the weeks ahead.
December 21st: Winter Solstice/ New Moon in Capricorn & Uranus stations direct. The Winter Season officially begins as the Sun arrives in the sign of Capricorn at 3:03 pm PST. The Moon conjoins the Sun at 5:26 pm PST signifying new beginnings for those with chart angles or planets in the first 5 degrees of the sign of Capricorn.
December 23rd: Saturn enters Sagittarius at 8:33 am PST. Authoritarian Saturn completes 26 consecutive months in Scorpio to arrive in the intrepid fire sign of Sagittarius contributing to a noticeable collective shift from mid December 2014 through February 2015.
Want to know what 2015 has in store for you?
Giving a chart and astrological reading is a great gift!
Bless your heart,
November Astrological Forecast
Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do.
― J.P. Morgan
Provided by Lee of http://www.stillwatersastro.com
November 6th Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio at 14 deg 21 min. The Full Moon of November is graced by the companionship of Venus in Scorpio in a close conjunction with the Sun projecting onto the Moon only to realize that lasting beauty, love and substance will be discovered deep below the surface rather than in the eyes of its beholders.
November 8th Mercury enters Scorpio. Transiting Mercury completes its tour in diplomatic Libra as it dives into the post election murky depths of Scorpio for the next 19 days.
November 15th Neptune stations direct in Pisces. Transiting Neptune reengages in forward motion near 5 degrees in its native sign of Pisces after five months in retrograde.
November 16th Venus enters Sagittarius. Venus serves as a hostess to pave the way for holiday festivities in the sign of Sagittarius before moving on to Capricorn in December where she will reside for the change of seasons during the remainder of 2014.
November 22nd Sun enters Sagittarius/New Moon in Sagittarius. The Sun joins Venus in the ebullient sign of Sagittarius and within three hours the Moon conjoins the Sun producing November’s New Moon in Sagittarius at 4:32 am PST. Today’s New Moon is the second of five consecutive New Moons near zero degrees beginning with last month’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23, 2014 and continuing through February 18, 2015 as the Sun enters Pisces.
November 24th Chiron stations direct in Pisces. Chiron steps forward in the mystical sign of Pisces at 13 degrees on a mission of healing after 5 months of retracing its steps.
November 27th Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mercury lends its fleet-footed speed to accelerate the tempo of the holiday festivities through November 16th. Mercury has journeyed in three separate signs during this month of November 2014.
Lee of http://www.stillwatersastro.com
October 2014 Astrological Forecast
Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.
C.G. Jung
Provided by Lee of http://www.stillwatersastro.com
October 4th: Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio. The messenger planet reverses direction as it begins its third and final retrograde cycle of 2014 in the sign of Scorpio at 2 degrees for the next 3 weeks. October 8th: Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra. The second of two Total Lunar Eclipses in 2014 mirrors the qualities of last April’s Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra/Aries. 2014 is an “initiatory” year of completions and new beginnings with a strong emphasis of planetary aspects in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Those with cardinal angles or planets near 15 degrees in the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be more affected by this eclipse.
October 23rd: Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio. The Sun, Moon, and Venus arrive in the sign of Scorpio on the same day to combine their energies within one half of a single degree of longitude in the very first degree of Scorpio at the exact time of a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The synergy of the Sun, Moon, and Venus conjoining each other so closely in a Solar Eclipse is a very rare event that could produce fortunate new beginnings for those who consciously sow seeds of new commitments and intentions.
October 25th: Mercury stations direct in Libra. Mercury steps forward in the relationship sign of Libra at 17 degrees after three weeks in retrograde. Mercury will partner with the Moon’s North Node in Libra to accent détente, fair play, and diplomacy versus hidden agendas during the November 4th elections in the United States. October 26th: Mars enters Capricorn. Transiting Mars arrives in the sign of institutional authority forming harmonious aspects to the Sun & Venus in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces which augurs well for a Happy Halloween.
New Moon Manifestation
“It was the first breath of the new moon, but the whole of it was visible,a perfect ball of violet and indigo cupped in a sickle of light, luminous among the stars.”
― Diana Gabaldon, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood
Today is the New Moon. This is a great time to sit down and envision what you would like to accomplish, create or manifest in the current moon cycle.
Some people like to make a…