December Astrological Forecast
“How did it get so late so soon?”
― Dr. Seuss
Provided by Lee of
December 4th: Mars enters Aquarius. The planet of action places its emphasis in the social sign of Aquarius spicing up the holiday season within 3 weeks of Hanukkah and Christmas. A harmonious “trine” aspect between Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo also brings a spark of levity to lift the holiday spirits.
December 8th: Jupiter stations retrograde in Leo at 23 degrees. Expansive Jupiter steps back after five months of direct motion in the regal sign of Leo. Jupiter will station direct in Leo in April 2015.
December 6th: Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius at 14 degrees. The final Full Moon of 2014 closely opposes Mercury in Sagittarius and squares Chiron in Pisces which is likely to create stress and tension in communications for a brief period.
December 10th: Venus enters Capricorn. Transiting Venus prepares the Cardinal soil of Capricorn for the arrival of a unique initiatory Winter Solstice on December 21st highlighted by the New Moon in Capricorn within a fraction of the 1st degree of Capricorn preceded by Uranus’ direct station within just 20 minutes of the Solstice.
December 15th: Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 12 deg 35 min. The continuing trials of the titans Uranus and Pluto meet once again for yet another transformational “square” aspect for the first time since last April’s Cardinal Grand Cross. Be prepared for more even more initiatory shifts in the weeks ahead.
December 21st: Winter Solstice/ New Moon in Capricorn & Uranus stations direct. The Winter Season officially begins as the Sun arrives in the sign of Capricorn at 3:03 pm PST. The Moon conjoins the Sun at 5:26 pm PST signifying new beginnings for those with chart angles or planets in the first 5 degrees of the sign of Capricorn.
December 23rd: Saturn enters Sagittarius at 8:33 am PST. Authoritarian Saturn completes 26 consecutive months in Scorpio to arrive in the intrepid fire sign of Sagittarius contributing to a noticeable collective shift from mid December 2014 through February 2015.
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Bless your heart,
New Moon Manifestation
“It was the first breath of the new moon, but the whole of it was visible,a perfect ball of violet and indigo cupped in a sickle of light, luminous among the stars.”
― Diana Gabaldon, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood
Today is the New Moon. This is a great time to sit down and envision what you would like to accomplish, create or manifest in the current moon cycle.
Some people like to make a…