Lords of Karma
The Ascended Masters Lords of Karma are a group of spiritually enlightened beings, once mere mortals, who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes (state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe), balanced at least 51% of negative Karma and fulfilled their Dharma or divine plan. An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Divine Love to all life, and through Ascension (spiritual enlightenment) has united with his or her own “God-Self”, the I AM Presence. They serve as teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit and stand ready to assist them in their Ascension.
The Great Divine Director
The Great Divine Director is a Cosmic Being who is an initiate of Solar Lords who perceived the need of life waves here below to know God’s Plan for all life – and to proceed with unerring direction to complete the Plan. He so adored the Flame of God as the Law of unerring Direction, that He came to be known as the Great Divine Director. The Office in Cosmic Hierarchy of the Great Divine Director became His God-Identity.
When mankind began to turn from the Light, he was rendering Service in a similar capacity as a Messenger. He pointed out where the flow of their attention could lead them. He warned them not to be misguided and be with imperfect forms and environments during the time of the Fourth Root Race. Mankind would not listen. He refused to go the way of the increasing number of people who were creating imperfection and sorrow through the misuse of thought and feeling – following conscious attention. He attained His Ascension at that time, with the move into even Higher Realms of Cosmic Service announced on July 4, 1976 in Washington D. C.
The Great Divine Director was Saint Germain’s Teacher, and He is the One known at Inner Levels as the Master “R”. He founded the House of Rakoczy in Europe, and Saint Germain carried out His service and even used the Rakoczy name during a time. Saint Germain worked with Him in a similar manner as Jesus worked with Lord Maitreya. The Great Divine Director is a Member of the Karmic Board, and is the Manu for the incoming Seventh Root Race.
Information from www.ascension-research.org
I LOVE this, Candess! This is something I’m truly working on: ” He pointed out where the flow of their attention could lead them.” Such powerful exercise! Thank you.
I love his Candess, I always love to read your articles plus I also believe in this Along with other practices I get a lot of peace from these exercises. Thank You!
Lori English
The world needs more reminders like this Candess. So many of us are creating imperfection and sorrow through the misuse of our thoughts and feelings.
Thanks Candess, interesting, I did not know much about this before.
Learned something new. Thanks.
The misuse of thought and feeling continue to be an often – but not always- detrimental impact on our society and world. But when we understand and know better we can do better. By sharing this you too are being and wonderful messenger.
Thank you Teresa! This is a time for us all to be inspirational, compassionate and motivating.
The misuse of thoughts and feelings continues to this day, but at the same time, there is a profound raising of consciousness. That is a path all of us can focus on regardless of the source of our beliefs.
Thanks for sharing Candess , as I find this so interesting
I have been learning more and more about energy and our chakras and am really interested in learning more and connect with my spiritual self 
fascinating information. I love the concept of the Masters being a source of unconditional love for us mere mortals.
Candess, this… >>> An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Divine Love to all life, and through Ascension (spiritual enlightenment) has united with his or her own “God-Self”, the I AM Presence. They serve as teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit and stand ready to assist them in their Ascension. <<< YES! I love this post and absolutely believe in this. By connecting to the Ascended Masters, we ARE connecting to the unconditional love that is always ours and always has been.
Glad to have read this information. I have never heard this before. Still have a lot to learn about spirituality.
How interesting. This is something I’m not particularly familiar with. It’s always nice to be introduced to something new.
It’s an interesting article. I learned something new.
We all need constant reminders like this. Even though I attended a mission secondary and high school, I have forgotten a lot of these details.