The creativity of your subconscious mind not only shows up in dreams, but also shows up as archetypes in your life. Archetypes are overlying patterns that show up in all cultures that are seeded in the psyche. Some examples of archetypes are mother, judge, teacher and healer. When you begin to look at these patterns in your life, you can unleash your creative energy.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Who are the Vampires in your Life?” quote=”With Halloween around the corner and an expectation of ghosts and goblins knocking at my door – I thought this would be a great time to share about the Vampire Archetype!”]
Many cultures are intrigued and fascinated with vampires. Vampires were mythological figures that lived off the essence of others by drinking their blood.
Honestly, they give me the creeps, but the adrenaline rush others get from the scariness of blood and gore may be part of the attraction. There is a seductive nature to the vampire as well.
A person with the Vampire Archetype tends to live off of the energy essence of others. Have you ever felt drained by someone you worked with, even if they didn’t talk much? Do you have people in your life that seem to steal your energy? Do you have friends that exhaust you just by being with them?
Maybe you have the Vampire Archetype. After spending time with someone, do you feel energized and then you notice they look like all the blood drained from their face. Do you find others avoid you? Do you come off as clingy or needy? Are you continually looking to others for validation or to make you feel better?
Historically, in many dramas, real or written, the Vampire Archetype has been featured in many male and female relationships. In these cases, there is eroticism between the vampire and his conquest. The female is repelled by the vampire, but also drawn into the sexual nature of the submissiveness. In this case, the male overpowers the female, taking her energy for himself. Today, this archetype may be underlying many domestic abuse situations.
[clickToTweet tweet=”A person with the Vampire Archetype tends to live off of the energy essence of others. ” quote=”A person with the Vampire Archetype tends to live off of the energy essence of others. “]
Currently, people are more aware of the energy around their body, of energy exchange, and how they feel when they are around others. A woman with a Vampire Archetype may come off as loving and helpful, but when she leaves, you may feel like she took a piece of you with her. She may continually ask you for more than you can give or do. She may complain constantly. Maybe you have had a relationship with a man and ended it and he won’t leave. He may continue to cling to you or even stalk you. The codependent relationship may fit into this category.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Do you have people in your life that seem to steal your energy?” quote=”Do you have people in your life that seem to steal your energy?”]
Rather than vampires looking gory and dressing in black and gray with blood dripping down, today they look like anyone else in your life. Much of my work for the last 25 years has been around energy and energy medicine. As an intuitive reader I look into the aura and the chakras of my clients and can see where they are losing power, where they are either giving their power away or being attacked.
When someone attaches to you or hits you energetically, you are drained, depressed and sometimes somewhat paralyzed. When you are managing your own energy within yourself and not enmeshed with others, not trying to control others or attaching to others, you feel good!
Previously, I psychically read a woman who had been attacked by another woman who was envious of her. She experienced being hit energetically. When this happened, she felt slimed. As soon as she identified this feeling, I was able to look at her energetically and see who hit her and why. I cleared her energy field right away and put up protection so this could not continue to happen. The person who attacked her has the Vampire Archetype. With further investigation, I understood the language the attacker continually uses is one of lack. She has a scarcity perception. She attaches to others and attacks others, for their life force, rather than understanding that she can fill herself up from within. Instead of being grateful, she focuses on what others have, turns green with envy and becomes toxic. Instead of being full of self-love and loving others, she is continually full of judgment and fear. Although she presents herself as being knowledgeable, slyly her toxicity affects everyone around her.
What do you do if you have a person like this in your life? You can learn to ground yourself and run your own energy (earth and cosmic) and set up protection. I have many meditation tools and videos you can access to do this on my website. You can focus in your heart and bring your attention up out of your crown chakra at the top of your head. See the person there and for three seconds see them receiving a ball of golden white Light, of Love from the Universe. Then let them go. Do this as often as you need to release them from your thoughts. It will be up to the person as to whether they will receive this clearing or not. You though, have in part cleared yourself from their negativity and their energy.
What if you have the Vampire Archetype? You can balance yourself by giving to others without expectation. First, keep your energy clear with the same meditation tools and videos I mentioned above and allow yourself to receive in ways that give you a sense of personal power and self-worth. You can volunteer or help out those around you. Find a counselor or life coach to help you heal the past so that you can be healthy in the present.
If you’re not consciously aware of your energy and how the Vampire archetype is affecting you, you may notice the vampire showing up in your dreams. You may dream you have an encounter with a person or an entity that drains you. You may be paralyzed or even gorier, lose blood. Whether the vampire image in the dream is fictional or someone you know, the vampire sneaks up and suddenly has taken your life force.
Dreams can be scary even though they are coming as a message from your Higher Self. Taking time to work with dreams can be empowering and guide you to take action in your life. If you want to explore your dreams, the book I recommend is Realities of the Dreaming Mind: The Practice of Dream Yoga by Swami Sivananda Radha.
By understanding and working with the Vampire Archetype, you will learn to protect yourself, or if it is your archetype to heal yourself and access your natural path of health and move toward your Divine Soul purpose.
Here is your chance to leave feedback about your experiences of people who have shown up as Vampires in your life! I will be happy to share with you some tools to protect yourself from being attached and losing energy!
This article was previously posted in Live Encounters Magazine.
Wow, I had never thought of a vampire in the sense that you present here. Often I feel easily affected by other people’s emotions, which can be draining for me. I’ve learned to distance myself somewhat, and that has helped quite a bit. This is my first visit to your blog–very interesting information!
Thanks Meghan for reading the blog and commenting. Once we become more aware of how other people affect our energy field, we begin to move away and protect ourselves energetically. One simple way to clear energy is to be in nature! I hope you find other blogs of mine helpful!
Very interesting. I absolutely have people in my life who drain me. I’ll have to pay closer attention to those interactions next time.
Thanks for sharing Erin. We tend to match each other’s energy, so we can be lifted by others or drained by them. I’ll write about matching each others energy next week and how to protect ourselves.
I never heard of a Vampire Archetype before. I guess you learn something new everyday. But, nevertheless, I try to avoid such people with this characteristics you have described. Why be with them, life is too short to be not having fun and enjoying life.
Never knew this! Very interesting about Archtypes. And learning about the vampire one and how to deal with it is fascinating. I have referred to a few folks as “high maintenance”, and can see this aspect.
This is fascinating to me, Candess! As I was reading I could think of many times I have experienced this. I have learned to quickly distance myself from these people but your advice on learning ways to deal with them is wonderful as sometimes they do need to be in our lives for one reason or another.
I used to have people in my life who were emotional vampires. I’ve since released them, let them off my train and sent them away with love:-) I am sensitive to energy, so I protect myself as much as possible. I choose to spend time with those that lift each other up!
I loved this post. I had never considered the vampire as an archetype but this makes perfect sense. Over the years I have experienced this draining of energy when around certain people. Once I finally identified this I was able to avoid the person when possible . However the more effective tool for me was to visualize a shield between me and the ‘vampire’. It works!
Ah, such a great topic!
Recently, I’ve been working to “cleanse” my circle of negative energy – from those I know offline, to those who simply fill my newsfeed or timeline with negativity & complaints.
I’ve always been a “giver” and when I see someone being negative or complaining about things, my first instinct is to offer solutions and/or try to lift their spirits in some way.
This works for some folks; however, there are many who simply enjoy being miserable or just like the process of complaining (who knows?!)… Those are the ones that are truly draining my energy and the relationship is a one-way street.
A relationship must be two ways, with both people giving value – and when I say “value,” I’m certainly not speaking of monetary value here (although if it is specifically a business relationship, then yes that would apply). For example, my husband and I share duties around the house and we also do kind things for one another, and we talk to each other about all our fears, concerns, joys, and excitements – yet an acquaintance of mine has a husband who does not assist with household tasks or yard work, doesn’t talk to her or even spend time with her besides when they retire to bed for the evening. She is drained of all her energy because she is physically doing everything necessary in the household, PLUS she has no outlet for her emotional needs either! In my opinion, he is an energy vampire
It’s important that we offer support and love to others, regardless of potential return, but there has to be a limit at some point or we just stretch ourselves too thin and we are no longer living fulfilled healthy lives.
Thanks so much for this article, it really made me think even deeper into this topic!
Well said Natalie. It does seem though that those of us who know how to set boundaries get more from this article. Others may avoid and have another archetpye. I’ll think about that.
Natalie this is so true. Some people engage and are giving and others are just takers. It’s great that you have a marriage that is a partnership!
Not all of these vampires mean to drain people. It takes years to control the urge to drain others. Meditation and correct way to help. Just leaving these kind of people is not always the answer. Just cause people think of a vampire as something bad doesn’t mean they are. I’m not saying don’t learn to block your energy source. By all means do learn to do so… Just keep in mind not all understand that they are doing it …helo them to understand what they are so they can control it. Don’t just kick them from your life.. Great read by the way

Skye, I totally agree. Most of the people do not understand they are stealing energy. Often those who have the Vampire Archetype are not aware of how they affect others at all. Those of us who have and use tools can share our experience and hopefully they will become more self-aware.
I agree