Keeping with communication, this week I’d like to share about Time. We communicate by what we say, but we also communicate by what we do. Earlier this week I was at Super Supplements and found myself behind a young man who was trying to purchase something. He struggled with figuring out what he could buy for the amount of money he had. He must have had a gift certificate or something. The cashier had partially ringed up his purchases and then he took off to find the perfect new purchase for the right price. As he wandered around the store, another person and I stood in line waiting.
I was in between clients and was running a quick errand and I was not happy with having to wait. The cashier said she couldn’t cancel the purchase and ring us up as he wandered. Finally another cashier came to open another register. I was burning up with Don’t Waste My Time.”
[clickToTweet tweet=”We communicate by what we say, but we also communicate by what we do.” quote=”We communicate by what we say, but we also communicate by what we do.”]
What I realized is I have been busier than I would have liked the last few years and I am like a mother bear protecting her cub around my time. Practicing Less is More prior to the book I am publishing by the same name helps.
Another book that was helpful is Sonia Choquette’s Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose. In the chapter Waste No Time she says if you “squander your time,” basically you hold yourself back and others too!
I loved that Choquette said, “Do not waste other people’s time either. It is emotionally indulgent and disrespectful to break agreements, send mixed messages, arrive late for appointment (or miss them altogether), or be unaccountable.”
[clickToTweet tweet=”Don’t waste the time of others! Be accountable. ” quote=”Do you tend to waste your time or other’s time?”]
It was twenty years ago I took the Landmark Forum and Advanced Forum. One gem I learned was how important it is to follow through when you Give your Word. It is about who you are and how others see you. You either gain respect and trust or you don’t.
Now, I am not saying I don’t mess up at times. Occasionally, for some odd reason a client appointment disappears from my calendar and I end up unprepared as someone shows up or I call a client because they missed an appointment and I hadn’t recorded they had cancelled. When this happens, I grovel appropriately and do whatever I need to do to make it right with them.
My time is valuable and so is yours.
Thanks for taking your precious time to read this blog.
What a great reminder to value our time and value theirs too…it is self integrity and respect for all.
Time – it can’t be bought and it can’t be saved to accrue more. This makes it one of our most precious commodities. I wish more people would realise this and respect others’ time more. I agree it is so important to follow through when you give your word.
This is a terrific reminder, Candess, that our word is our bond. I used to overcommit and underdeliver. Over time, I eroded trust of those around me. When I got clear that I was my first priority and took time to be in ALIGNMENT with everything, I do a much better job of following through on commitments and only committing to things that I truly want. Still, I’m not perfect and make mistakes. I do my best to make more deposits than withdrawals though.
That is fantastic that you have learned this Tandy. It would be great to get it when we are younger!
This is a good reminder for me Candess. I also took a similar course several years ago.. PSI seminars. It was impressed upon us in many ways the value and importance of keeping our word and taking responsibility for our actions. I am quite conscious of this now
This one I can totally relate. I think more and more folks don’t value other people’s time because they are so self absorbed and that drives me nuts. Being on time is already late… being early is on time. Starting and ending time is respectful of other people’s time as well as our own. Love it. Thank you for a great read.
Thanks Kristen. I’ve actually ended friendships over this issue. It felt good to set that boundary. Oh, boundaries, another blog!
Beautiful, Candess. I can’t wait for your book!
That is sweet Reba. I am excited too!
I happen to be very conscientious of time so it’s important for me to arrive on time for appointments. I’ve also had to learn that not everyone will be as punctual. I’m tolerant to a degree but if you continue to disrespect my time then you’re not the person to do business with.
I totally agree. There is a difference between making an error or some other interference, but being late as a habit is a choice.
I’m trying to practice patience. I agree though, one person being disrespectful of someone else’s time can throw everyone off for the whole day.